Chapter 23

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Braylon's POV
  "I have to pee!" I tell Jackson for the fifth time.
   "Too bad." He says without looking up from his computer.
  Jackson is the only one of the nice people that Jason asked to watch me. This is all for show. As soon as Mike and Dan leave he will let me go to the bathroom. I hope.
  Instead of hanging from chains, I'm in a chair, tied to it.
My wrists are red and sore from how tight the ropes are.
Dan and Mike put up the things they're using and leave.
"Jackson." His name comes out as a hiss. He turns and faces me.
"To the left." He unties me and I rub my sore wrists. Walking past the desk, I quickly grab my phone and hurry to the bathroom and unplug the camera, watching my every move.
Taking out the phone, I quickly dial 911.
"Hello this is the police what is your emergency?" A woman's voice comes through the phone.
"Hi my names Braylon Ryder, and this man kidnapped me. His name is Jason Grey. I've been here for 5 days. Please help me."
A long pause on the other end. I hear footsteps on the other side of the door.
I quickly lock the door when Jackson knocks on it.
"You ok?" He sounds genuinely concerned.
Crap, I gotta make something up. "Diarrhea." His steps quickly shuffle back.
   I unmute the phone.
"Where are you sweety?" I don't know the address. "It's a big white building." I rack my brain for memories from the last visit. 
  "It's across from Bojangles."
"Thank you, we'll be there shortly and you'll be back home before you know it." She hangs up.
  I call Grayson. "Grayson!"
"Braylon it's you! Where are you?"
I take a deep breath and explain everything.
  He says that the family will be there soon.
I drop my phone on the toilet. Before you think I'm crazy, now they can't tell who I called and what not. I take it out, shake it off and press the power button.
It doesn't turn on, so I drop it in the toilet lid.
I flush the toilet and wash my hands.
Dang it, if they don't come tonight I'm gonna miss my volleyball tournament tomorrow.
I walk out and sit in the chair. Jackson peeked at me and I glared back.
"What? Can't a girl go to the bathroom?" I snarl at him. He blinks in surprise.
"I am the one who let you go to the bathroom remember." He hisses.
I snort. "And I am the one you decided to kidnap and torture,  remember that too." I snarl and cross my arms.
   He clenches his jaw and walks toward me. A flash of fear courses through me but I don't show it.
  He swings at me and I quickly duck.
I kick him in his crotch and elbow him in the face. Thank the Lord that I know self defense. Well, and offense. Whatever. Thank the Lord that I know how to fight.
  He groans and grabs a bar. He swings it at my stomach and I lurch backward from the impact. A sharp pain spreads through my side.
   It's hard to breath. I cough and wipe my mouth. Blood is on my hand.
I swallow. I hold my hand up and sit down. He smirks at me and puts downs the bar.
   Anger boils through my blood and I clench my teeth against the pain. It's starting to go numb.
  I scramble up and jump toward his back. I leap onto him and drag him to the ground, my legs wrapped around his neck.
   I squeeze my legs as hard as I can for 3 seconds, the let go.
  He scrambles up and coughs. He starts toward me but stops when a loud banging comes from the door in the far corner of the room. A voice is coming through the door. It's Aaron.
   Before I can process what's happening, he kicks me hard in the stomach and unlocks the door, then runs away.
   I fall to the floor, unable to get up for the moment.
   Aaron bursts through the door. His gazes searches the room until it meets mine.
   "Braylon!" He sprints to me. I cough and more blood comes up.
    "Oh my gosh, what happened? We need to get you to a hospital." He grabs my hand and tries to pull me up. I wince at the pain in my stomach.
   He sets me down.
"I ca-called the co-cops." I tell him in gasps. It hurts to breathe. He nods.
   I see Jason and Jackson creeping up behind Aaron.
  I gasp and point behind Aaron. He turns and just barely gets out of the way of Jason swinging the bat at him.
   I feel the wind from the swipe right in front of my face.
  I shrink back into the ground.
Aaron stands up, his gaze flicking back and forth between Jason and Jackson.
Jason nods his head and Jackson moves to grab me. I kick him in the knee and his leg buckles.
  He grits his teeth and yanks me up, I cry out in pain. I hear grunts of efforts and I look to my left. Aaron's arms are behind his back, his face bloody and bruised, knuckles bleeding, Jason is holding him.
   "No!" I screech and them when they run and knife down his face. Blood splatters to the floor.
  "Stop! Please, stop hurting him." Tears slide down my face.
  They stop and dump him to the ground.
  "Your family is here." Jason snarls pointing the Grayson and... Amie? Both of them are help back by Jason's crew.
  "My my, she has a beautiful body." He circles Amie. She spits at him. In one quick move he punches her in the jaw.
  I squeeze my eyes shut. I hear Amie whimper. Why didn't they wait till the cops came?
  "I didn't join you to hurt her or her family, Jason." The guy holding Amie said.
"Shut up." Jason spats at him.
  Jackson pokes me in the side with something sharp.
  Jason takes out a pistol from his pocket and aims it at Grayson head.
    Grayson doesn't move a muscle.
  "Please don't! He didn't do anything." I scream at Jason.
  He loads it and fires.


Jk keep reading.

He fires the gun into the air.
  A couple heartbeats later police sirens ring through the air.
   I laugh in relief. We're gonna be saved and Jason and his crew will be locked in jail forever.
Jason turns are and nods at Jackson. A very slow nod.
  The world goes black as Jackson plunges the knife into my stomach.


Ok now I'm done. I had this written yesterday but I just forgot to publish.
   Another cliffhanger. Mwahaha!
  Ok the update for next week will be late because I don't have wifi at camp. Sorry.
  You didn't actually think that I was going to kill Grayson.
  I think Braylon is pretty tough considering the only time she cried was when Aaron got beat up and Grayson was gonna get shot.
    She didn't cry when she got hit with a pipe in the stomach and other beatings.
  Anyway don't forget to
  Deuces. ✌️
~ P. W ~

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