Chapter 20

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Braylon's POV

I slam my locker closed.
Amie comes up next to me and turns me toward her.
"Bray, you need to calm down." I glare at the floor.
Everything that happened over the weekend that made me angry and upset carried on into the week. Grayson hasn't been to school yet and it's Tuesday.
"I'm sorry Amie. I know I'm being a grouch but I honestly can't help it. It's just that I haven't seen Grayson in so long." Talking about him just gets me riled up and angry.
"He said that he would come to school." That's the last thing I say before I whirl around and punch the locker, denting it.
Amie coughs and I look at her. "Sorry." I mumble. She looks at me with her brown eyes, sympathy in them. "Have you tried texting him?" She suggests.
My eyes widen as it dawns on me that I, in fact, haven't texted Grayson yet.
I smack my forehead and pull out my phone.

Dynamic Duo 😵🔫💙
"Hey Gray. I thought you said you were gonna be here today."

I sent it and shut it off. Arms grab me from behind and I squeal.
I know it is Aaron.
He leans his head forward so he can whisper in my ear.
"Don't move." His voice is deep and gruffly. Definitely not Aaron's. I freeze and try to think of a way to turn.
He starts to drag me backwards when I bring my heel up and kick him where the sun doesn't shine.
He huffs out air and I wiggle out of his grip. Before I turn around I jab a kick into his stomach and he falls on the floor.
I turn around and gasp. On the floor lies Aaron, who is now holding his gut.
I drop to his side. "Oh my gosh Aaron! I didn't recognize your voice. I'm so sorry." I help him stand and he winces.
"Well at least I know my girlfriend knows self defense in case someone tries to rape you." He says in short gasps.
I blink and back up a little. I don't think he realized what he said.
I know it shouldn't bother me but it does.
I just quietly whispers 'ok' and walk away.
He grabs at my arm and spins me around.
"Are you ok? What's wrong." He asks with his eyebrows raised in confusion.
My blood boils a little bit but I swallow the anger down.
"Figure it out ok? I'm not mad, just a little hurt." I free my arm from his grasp and walk to class.


Walking out of last block and I'm exhausted.
Aaron kept writing me notes during class asking me what's wrong and I replied with the same answer every time.
'Figure it out'.
I pull of my phone and grin happily when I see that Grayson replied.

Dynamic Duo😵🔫💙
"I'm sorry Bray. I'll face time you tonight."

I stare at the text for a little bit. He never said why he didn't come to school. Somethings up. I need to know where he is.
I scroll through my contacts and I text Tyler and a couple of Grayson's friends in the football team.
They all reply with a 'No I'm sorry.'
The last person I text is Zane.
He reads it then doesn't answer. I ask him again and he reads it and doesn't answer.
"Jace!" I call for him walking down the steps.
He's eating cereal. "What?"
"Take me to Zane's." He looks at me funny.
"Why?" I shrug. Then he shakes his head. I groan and call Aaron.
He picks up right away. "Hello?"
"Aaron I need a ride." I speak quickly.
"Yeah sure where?"
Crap. "Umm my friends house."
"Sure be there on five." He hangs up.
And truth be told, he was there five minutes later.
I climb in the car and give him the address.
"Bray, I'm really sorry that I upset you but I still don't know what I did." He speaks up after a couple of minutes. I clench my teeth.
"Try and figure it out. I'll give you a hint, it's what you said after I beat you up."
He falls quiet before he gasps.
"Oh Braylon! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I should have paid attention to what I was saying. In all honesty, I was shocked that you kicked my butt when I pulled that joke on you."
I look out the other window.
"Braylon. I really am truly sorry. That won't happen again."
"I forgive you." I say quietly.
"Speaking of that, have you heard from Karlee or that Jason guy?" He asks.
I glance at him. Crap. Crap crap crap.
I hesitate.
His Adam's apple bobs. "You have, haven't you." I don't answer.
He repeats himself louder.
"Haven't you."
I flinch and nod.
"I see Karlee walking around school. She looks at me with regret, anger and wistfulness."
"How do you know it's anger and regret?" I groan. Come on man.
"I've known her for 8 years. I mean seriously."
He leans back in his seat and tightens his grip on the steering wheel.
"And what about Jason?"
I shrink lower into my seat.
"I saw him the other day, in a car when I was walking home from school."
He slams on the brakes. "What?" He roars.
I don't answer until he continues to drive.
"Relax. It's ok. He won't hurt me again. That will just earn him another 2 years in prison."
"Whatever." He snarls. He's angry, but not at me I can tell.
We pull up into the long windy drive way.
Aaron looks up at the mansion in awe.
"I wish my best friend lived here."
I snort. "My best friend doesn't live here. She lives in my neighborhood. Although my friend does live here and he is really rich."
"He?" Aaron spats, jealously in his voice.
I shake my head and get out and walk up to the door.
I ring the doorbell. No one answers.
I sigh in frustration
I ring it again then pound on the door.
"Zane! I know your home." I shout through the door.
Foot steps come near the door. The door opens and Zane is revealed.
"What?" He asks lazily.
"Where's Grayson?" His eyes widen.
"Not here. Why would he be here?"
Good question. Why did I assume he would be here?
"Never mind." I turn to walk away.
I'm halfway down the steps when I hear a voice.
"Zane? Who's there?" It's Grayson.
I spin around and see him in shorts and a tank top.
I barge past by Zane and stalk up to him.
Before he can say anything I slap him across the face. Hard.


Chapter 20 folks.
I'm really sorry for the long updates but when summer comes we'll be good to go.
  I'm starting to update every Friday now. And I'm updating today, which is Thursday, because I have a semi formal dance tomorrow.
  So you got an early update. Well, semi early.
Also it's (WINDEY.) as in like twists and turns.
  Anyway, don't forget to
Comment what you think
The four steps to an easy life.

K bye. ✌🏽️

~ P. W ~

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