Chapter 19

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**sorry for the long authors note at the end. Be prepared. Be very prepared**

Braylon's POV
I groan in frustration. Aaron sprayed silly string in my hair and now it won't come out.
  Yup, me and Aaron made up. I overlooked the situation and didn't believe him.
  "Aaron! Get your butt in here and help me get this stuff out of my hair." I yell to him through the bathroom door.
  He comes in and smirks at me in the mirror.
"As you wish, your majesty." He lowers his head and bows.
I swat him playfully in the head. "Also, I would like a nice bowl of ice cream. Make that a sundae. Thank you." I say in a really bad British accent. I pat his shoulder than switch to his other shoulder, and he stands up drastically.
"Of course your highness." He trots down stairs. The music from the party down blasts through the open door.
I get the rest of the silly string out of my hair when Aaron comes back up to my room with an actual sundae in his hand.
  I purse my lips to keep in a chuckle.
In my awful British accent I say, "Why thank you my loyal slave."
I laugh as his face morphs from humor to slightly angry.
I take a step back.
"Don't." He says slowly through gritted teeth. "Don't ever call me a slave. Don't ever call anyone a slave."
I open my mouth to ask why when he hold up his hand.
"Don't ask. You'll know when we go to 'meet the parents." He puts imaginary air quotes around meet the parents.
I laugh and shrug my shoulders. "Ok, whatever. Sorry."
I peel the last string from my hair and look in the mirror. Good enough. It's my party, but I don't want to dress up too nice.
I sit on my bed and stick my spoon in my sundae.
The sundae is gone by the time Grayson comes up stairs and narrows his eyes at Aaron.
I set the bowl down and step in front of him.
"Don't even ask. Now, are we going to go to the party that's downstairs or question my relationship with Aaron?" I realize I have an attitude as soon as I said it but I can't take it back.
He raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Are you on your period or something?" My cheeks heat up at his question and I duck my head in embarrassment.
"Yeah, so don't say anything." I start laughing.
Aaron puts his hands up and takes off toward the down stairs.
"No no no. What did you eat?" He pushes me on the bed.
I shrug his arms of me and continue laughing. "Nothing. Only a sundae, with 3 scoops of cookies and cream ice cream, whip cream, sprinkles; chocolate and rainbow, chocolate syrup, m&m's and cherries. See? Nothing." I giggle, trying to get my laughter under control.
  It didn't work.


Grayson's POV
  Braylon literally will not stop laughing. I groan in frustration. Opening the door, I stomp downstairs in search of Aaron.
  I spot him at the counter getting a drink.
"Come on, go upstairs and watch Braylon. She is currently having a sugar high." I explain while pushing him toward the stairs.
"What? Why?" He questions. I sigh in boredom.
"Because you made her a sundaes D gave it to her, with everything on it. That's why."
  He shrugs and goes upstairs.
I look around to see the people that came when a hot chick pops in front of me.
  "Hey." She says and I frown at the familiar voice.
"Kali? What are you doing here?" I look around for Braydon, expecting him to be stuck close to his girlfriend.
"Braydon's in the back. Come here, let's go upstairs and have some fun." She grabs my hand and pulls me toward the stairs.
I yank my hand out of her grip and stare at her.
  "What are you doing? Leave me alone, hoe." I didn't mean to say that, but what else am I supposed to say to my 18 year old brothers' girlfriend, who wants to hook up with his 16 year old brother.
  "Excuse me? You did not just call me a hoe." I chuckle.
  "Yeah I did. And here's why. Your dating my brother, and your asking me to hook up with you. Are you crazy? I'm only 16!"
She looks at me for a moment before she shrugs.
  "Eh. I asked you brother to do it with me, but he wants to wait till marriage. Plus I haven't had a hook up in a while." Her words disgust me.
  My face contorts into anger.
"So, you want to hook up with me?"
Her face lights up. "Yes! Will you? I mean I know that you're way younger, but you're hot." I shake my head and an idea pops into my head.
  "Ok sure. Let's go up to my room."
Shock covers her face.
"Oh sure come on." Sarcasm laces my voice, but she doesn't recognize it.
  I grab her hand and lead her upstairs. But to Braydon's room. I grab her and throw her on the bed. Literally throw her.
  "Ok, no need to be so rough." She smirks at me and starts to take off her shirt.
  I hold up my hands. "Woah. I was kidding. I can't believe you actually thought I would bang you. Obviously you didn't hear the sarcasm in my voice. Put your shirt back on."
  By the time I finish talking, her shirt is already off. I stare at her chest. I can't help it, I'm a guy. I quickly shake my head and look away. I do not need to see that.
   Before she could move, Braydon comes through the door with a red cup in his hand. His gaze flickers back and forth between me and Kali.
  "Ok what's going on?" He asks angrily.
I would be too, if I can into my room to see my girlfriend half naked on my bed.
  "Your hoe of a girlfriend-" He interrupts me.
  "She's not a hoe Grayson."
Before I could say anything else, Kali spoke up.
  "Thanks Braydon. For interrupting. I don't know what I would have done of he kept doing what he was about to do." My blood boils.
"Oh, and what were you about to do Grayson?" Braydon snarls at me. I flinch.
  "I was about to tell her to put her shirt back on."
"He's lying. He dragged me up here and said he was gonna bang me. I was gonna scream but he said he would beat me up." Kali says quickly.
   Braydon's face heats up and turns bright red.
"No no. That's not what happened."
I start to explain but Braydon interrupts me.
  "No Grayson, your frickin 16 years old. You don't need to bang anyone, especially my girlfriend. You were gonna beat her up if she refused? It's a good thing I came in here when I did." I start to say something, anything, so that he would believe me. But he kept going.
  "I don't want to speak to you Grayson. I don't want to see you here for a long time. Get out of my house."
  My eyes widen. Is he serious?
"Actually, this isn't your house. It's Parker's."
  "Yeah well, Parker went to college to get his laptop, so I'm in charge. And I say, to get out." He spits the last words at me, helps Kali with her shirt and  storms out of the room.
  I go to my room and pack a couple of bags. I know exactly where I'm headed to.
  I tremble slightly as I make my way to Braylon's room.
  I open the sport to see her sleeping on the bed. Aaron is playing video games. He gets up to leave when I motion him to stay.
  I set my bags on the ground and move her hair off her forehead. I gently place and kiss on her forehead and whisper. "I'll see you soon. I love you womb mate."
   As I turn to leave, she stirs. I curse under my breath and turn at the sound of her voice.
  "Grayson? Where are you going?" I don't answer and she glances at my bags.
  "You're leaving?" She springs up an hugs me. "Please don't leave." She starts to cry into my shirt.
  I explain everything that just happened and her eyes well up with tears. Seeing her like this makes me want to cry.
  "Hey sh. You'll see me during school. I'll just live somewhere else."
  She starts to protest again when I pick her off me.
  "Bye Braylon. I love you."
I turn and leave.
  She lets out a sob and whispers back. "I love you too."
I walk down stairs and the party is almost cleared out. There's still a couple of people though.
   I walk out the door and catch a cab.
He stops and I pay him.
   I step out and look up at the house that I haven't been to in a long time.
  I knock on the door. A moment passed before the person I haven't seen since the day Braylon almost died, opens the door.
   He smiles. "Hey Grayson."
I smile back.
  "Hey Zane."


Braylon's POV

I wipe my eyes and march downstairs.
Braydon and Kali are sitting on the couch together, Braydon is comforting Kali.
  I wrinkle my nose on disgust.
I shake my head and stomp up to them.
  Braydon sighs and looks up. Before he can stay anything, I start ranting.
  "Why would you kick Grayson out? Why? He's my twin! I'm mean seriously!" I snarl at him.
  "You don't even know what he did." He hisses at me.
  I smirk. "Ok, snake doesn't match well with you. And yes I did know what he did. Or actually what he didn't do, and what your slut girlfriend did. I was right and I still am right about her."
  He opens his mouth to reply, but closes his mouth when Kali puts her hand on his shoulder.
  "Braydon, I hate you. You had no reason to kick him out and I won't ever talk to you until he comes back and you apologize." I huff and run upstairs.
  Jace grabs me by the shoulders and heaves me onto his back.
   "Hey put me down!" I hammer his back with my fists but he keeps going, into Jayden's room.
  He puts me down, and I run and leap onto the bed.
  I cover my face and start to cry, already missing Grayson.
  Jayden and Jace come next to me.
"You'll see him at school." Jayden says gently.
  "Why didn't you guys to anything? You could have convinced Braydon to change his mind." I spat at both of them.
Jace shakes his head.
"Nope. He's the oldest. And again, you'll see him on Monday."
Ugh. Today's Friday.
"But today's Friday and I won't see him till Monday, so I have to go the whole weekend without seeing him." I sob again.
  I look up and see them exchange glances. They get up to leave and I snuggle deeper into Grayson's shirt, that I got from his room.
  I close my eyes and fall asleep, cheeks tear stained.


Hey guys! I'm so so SO sorry that I didn't update. But I have way more time now that softball season is over. Our overall record was 7-3. That's pretty good.
Anyway, I made this chapter extra long because I haven't updated in a while.
Ok, get this....... 18.6K reads!! That's a ton. And I wasn't expecting this book to sky rocket like that. I made this chapter 2,004 words long! Just for you guys!
   Thank you to all the readers, voters and commenters.     
Sorry for the long authors note by the way.
Anywho, don't forget to
And a follow would be nice too.

  Deuces ✌️

~ P. W ~

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