Chapter 1 (picture of Braylon)

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Braylon's POV
     "I love you honey, me and your father both. I know you don't like when we leave. We won't be gone for long. After this trip, we'll come home and take you to get ice cream. Ok sweetie?"

"No! No it's not ok mom!" I sit up in my bed, heaving. Tears are rolling down my face.
    "Mom, I miss you." I pull my knees into my chest, sobbing. I stay there for a couple of minutes until I hear footsteps running down the hall. I quickly crawl back under my sheets and lay back down.

"Braylon, are you ok?!" My twin brother Grayson bursts through my door. I twitch as he sits on my bed.

  "Bray, I know you're awake. Come on, what's wrong?" I open my eyes at his touch. I sigh and sit up.
   "You know what's wrong Grayson." I scoot over to sit beside him. "I can't help it, I'm sorry if I woke you up."

   "Hey hey it's ok, yes. You did wake me up," he says. "But it's ok." He adds quickly.

    I can see by the look on his face that he feels bad. "Grays-" I'm cut off by all my other brothers filing into the room.
   "Braylon! Are you ok?!" Braydon and Jayden asked at the same exact time. They've been doing that for years, it's never gonna stop being creepy,

  "Yeah I'm fine." I said getting up to hug all of them. "Just the normal thing."

  Parker comes and sits next to me. "Braylon, nightmares are not normal."

  "But they're not nightmares!" I say rather loudly. "They're just memories of the past... that I don't like to remember."

   "Oh yeah, I know that they are. I know you don't like to but are you sure you don't want to talk about it this time?" Parker argues.

   I snort and they all sigh. "Ok but if you won't talk to us, your brothers who love you very dearly, can you at least tell your twin?" Jace says when he picks me up and puts me in his lap.

    I think about it for a moment before slowly nodding my head. They all look at me and start to get up. I climb out of Jace's lap to give them all hugs. "Thank you guys for coming in here, I appreciate it." I mumble into Braydon's chest.

    Once I hear the door shut, I go and lay down on my bed so I'm staring at the ceiling. I turn my head as Grayson asks the dreaded question.

"What was it about?" I bite my lip to keep my feeling from pouring out.

"Braylon no, you can't just keep all of your emotions bottled up. I'm not asking to spill them, but will you please tell me what you're feeling as of right now?" I let out a frustrated sigh.

    "Alright, you want to know what I'm feeling? Ok. I hate that I always wake you guys up in the middle of the night," I say harshly.
    "I don't like that I always get these. Sometimes I actually want a full nights rest. So, thanks for asking, my now unemployed counselor." I huff and look away. Grayson just sits there shocked.

    My eye lids start to get wet and my vision gets blurry. I try to swallow the tears but they start to roll down my cheeks.

    Warm, strong arms wrap around me and pull me into a very hard chest. I lean my head in their shoulder and cry silently. I hear Grayson whisper comforting things in my ear.

    I stop crying and look at him. He smiles slightly and I smile back, sniffing. I lay down and pull him with me. I lay my face on his chest and try to fall asleep.

    A couple minutes later I realize something. "Grayson!" I say shaking him.

    "Mmmh? What's wrong?!" He bolts up with a worried expression on his face. "Oh, ha sorry, nothing's wrong. But I just realized something." I tell him as we lay back down.

    "And what would that be?" He questions.

  "We have school tomorrow." I say.
He groans. "Thank you for ruining my night." I chuckle.

"You're welcome. Goodnight Gray. I love you." I say as I close my eyes. Just before I drift into sleep, I hear his reply.

    "Goodnight Bray. I love you too."
Then darkness overcomes me.


Hey guys. New book! I deleted my other one, I just wasn't feeling it.
So updates.
Everyday if I have time, otherwise every other day. Maybe every two days.
Anyway, don't forget to

~ P.W ~

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