Chapter 14 (Picture of Karlee)

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Braylon's POV
I walk into the hospital room and gasp, tears rolling down my face.
The sight in front of me was awful.
Grayson was laying there, busted lip, black eye, bandage on his nose, blood in his hair. Arm in a cast and leg raised up. A ton of wires connected to his arms and stomach.
I ran to the side of the bed and got on my knees and sobbed. And sobbed. And sobbed.
A couple minutes later the doctors came in and said that we needed to go into the waiting room so they could perform surgery.
"No! No no! Stop let me go." I cried as Jace and Braydon pulled my arms and led me out of the room.
We get to the waiting room and I sat in a chair. I curled my knees up into my chest and laid my head down, all cried out.


Aaron's POV
I ran into the hospital, worried out of my mind.
Parker called me on Braylon's phone saying they were at the hospital.
"Is Braylon OK?" I ask when I see Jayden and Parker.
They shake their heads and my heart speeds up. They point to the chair where she was curled up in a ball.
I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she wasn't the one hurt.
"Why..." I trail off.
"Grayson... He's in a coma." Jayden said and his voice cracked.
I walk up to Braylon's side and reach my arm out to touch her hair when Parker interrupts me.
"No. Don't touch her."
"What wrong?" I ask, slightly worried.
"She's in silent mode." He explains.
I furrow my eyebrows. "Silent mode? What's that?"
"When she won't talk. Or do anything for that matter. You can hurt her and yell at her. Poor ice cold water all over her and she won't do anything about it."
My heart sinks. No...
I pick her up and she's limp. I move her over and set her in my lap.
I stroke her hair and hum to myself.
I glance up at Jayden. "What happened?"
  He sighed and runs his hands over his face.
   "Well, Grayson was coming home with a friend, and they got T-Boned. Tyler was perfectly fine. Shaken of course. But who wouldn't be, seeing your best friend unconscious with blood dripping all over his face."
  He paused.
"The airbag exploded in Grayson's face. We-- we don't know when he'll wake up." He finishes.
My mouth hangs open a little and I let out a little gasp. Oh no.


Braylon's POV

  I clench my jaw and try to prevent my tears from falling to the floor. I tried to block out the rest of Jayden's story but it was too late. I heard everything.
  I let out a loud sob and stand up.
"Baby?" I hear Aaron say groggily, his eyes still closed.
  I ignore him. I walk away at a quick pace and Aaron calls out again, this time rising from his seat.
  "Bray? Where are you going?"
The tears keep falling and I start to jog away. I hear his foot steps jog after me and I sprint out of the hospital.
  I ignore all of Aaron's pleas for me to come back and sprint down the road. I come to a stop at the diner that me and Aaron went to. It takes a couple of minutes to slow down my breathing.
"Hello welcome to Marcy's Diner, would you like to eat here or to go?"The perky girl behind the counter, Julia, says.
I think for a moment before deciding to eat here.
"Here please." I say quietly.
She purses her lips into a tight line. "Right this way."
She leads me to a little corner table. I sit down and the chair squeaks.
My face turns red from embarrassment and Julia smirks at me.
"Try not to let another one slip while your here please, darling."
I ground my teeth and breathe through my nose. "That was the chair and you know it." I spat at her.
Her eyes widen and then go back to normal.
I hear snickers behind me. "Yeah, try not to let another one slip, moose." More snickers.
I turn my head and there she is, Karlee.
I groan. "Look, I'm having a really crappy day, go away." I tell her before she can even open her mouth for another insult.
She sits down across from me. "So, what makes you so unhappy, moose?" She asks, with an overly cheery voice."
I start to get frustrated at her old nickname for me.
"Stop calling me that, Karlee." I snarl at her.
Her mouth drops open in mock shock. "Oh, my bad. But don't you remember us? Moose and Sprinkles? We were the dynamic duo, you and me."
I slap my hand on the table and she flinches. "I'm gonna tell you one more time, before I smash your face into the table. Stop calling me moose."
She widens her eyes and she smirk.
"Oh. I get it. Yeah. I heard about that. '15 year old Grayson T-Boned and put in a coma.' It was in the news." She smiles wickedly at me.
My heart pounds and I clench my fist. This doesn't go unnoticed by Karlee however. Her smirks widens and she leans close to me.
"Wouldn't it be a shame if he was unconscious on your guys birthday? What is it, in like four days?" She talks slowly, as if talking to a seven year old.
That's it. I stand up and swing my fist at her face, connecting with her jaw.
She gasps and holds her jaw. "Oh, you wanna go?" She comes around the table and slaps me across the face. Open handed.
I clench my teeth and glare at her. I reach into my pocket and her gaze follows my hand. I grab something and her eyes widen. I smirk when I see her frightened eyes.
I pull out a 5 dollar bill and throw it on the table. Her face relaxes and I chuckle. I walk forward and punch her jaw again, this time with all my strength and I grin when I hear a satisfying pop.
She falls to the floor on her knees and moans.
I bend down next to her. "Just remember that I always beat you when we were younger, sprinkles." I whisper in her hear.
I turn and walk up to the counter, grab my drink.
I turn away and Julia calls me back. "Um ma'am? You need to pay for that."
"I did, it's on the table. Keep the change." I say walking out the door.
"Oh, thank you. Have a nice day." She calls after me.
I snort and walk home.
I look down at my hands and they are swollen and bleeding.
I groan and shake them out.
I get to my house and barge through the front door and stomp up to my room.
I slam my door shut and change out of my volleyball stuff into sweatpants and a tank top.
  I lay down on my bed, sipping my drink.
  I turn on Netflix and fall asleep watching Derek Morgan work his stuff.

Here's chapter 14 folks.
Sorry this chapter took so long to update.
  I'm on vacation!! At Virginia Beach!

Don't forget to
Comment what you think.

   Time to get tan.✌️☀️

~ P.W ~

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