2: School

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Maddison's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing. It was 6:30. School started at 9 I had to leave at 8:30. That gave me 2 hours to get ready, clean up, and eat. My parents left at 6 every morning. They never said goodbye never woke me up. So you know what if my alarm clock doesn't work and I sleep in no one's there to wake me up and I'll be fucking late and get detention.

I chose some black skinnies, my shirt that says 'Glamour Kills Clothing', my black JAGK hodddie and some black converse. I brushed my long brown hair out. I went down stairs to find food. I opened the cupboard. But of course we had no food. That I liked. I hate my parents.

After I finished cleaning up I had to walk to school. I grabbed my bag that had zombie heads on it that glow in the dark. Awesome bag right? And made my journey to the high school.

When I got to school I had math first. Which was good because I'm really good at math. It's just an easy subject. I took my usual seat in the back of the class. I'll tell you right now because it sucks. All of the guys at the back talk and I always get in trouble.

At lunch I went to the cafateria and got some food and sat in the courtyard and listened to my phone.

When school was over I didn't go home. I just went to the park and sat on the hill.

I faught it for a long time now
While drowning in a river of denial
I washed up, fixed up, picked up

My phone rang out. I picked it up "Hello" I awnsered "Maddison, thank god you're okay, your father and I where worried when you didn't come home" Yeah what ever bitch, I thought. "Well honey come home please" "What ever" I hung up on her and walked home


A.N: Hi beautiful people. Two chapters is the longest I've ever gone for wrighting a fan fiction. Please comment, vote, rate and read on. Well I love you all thanks for reading <3 P.S if you comment tell me what you think about it so far.

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