My Wicked Headmistress

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I sat in my room, waiting for the Headmistress to return with Madison. A fight had broken out between her and I, and it wasn't even my first day! She came at me with her friends and frightened, I fought back. She flew back and hit the wall. She shot back at me, causing me to hit the mirror behind me. It shattered and cut my face and hands. I got up and threw her out the window. She flew back in and threw me back again. I was up on my feet and conquered a huge ball of energy.

I shot it at her, but Madison was quick and ducked out of the way. The ball instead hit the headmistress, and she flew back several feet. She landed on the ground and the other girls hurried to her aid. Another woman came down the stairs and sent me and Madison to our rooms. The doors had been locked and I could still hear the sirens from outside. She had been rushed out to the hospital. I sat on my bed, my knees tucked up and my arms holding them against me.

I heard the door open and turned my head to see her come in. Her arm was heavily bandaged and in a sling. Her face was pale, but she smiled at me. I moved my arms and winced in pain. I had cuts up and down my arms, that were going uncleaned. My face and hands got the worst though. Her smile fell. "Are you okay?" she asked softly. I nodded my head, tears burning my eyes. Never in my whole life had lost control like that and hurt someone else, other than my target. Someone like her shouldn't be giving me kindness like she was.

She closed the door behind her and she sat down at the foot of my bed. She rested her free hand over mine. "What's your name?" she asked softly. I bit my lip and stared into my lap, not wanting to meet her gaze. "Sweetie, you don't have to be upset with yourself for hurting me. I assure you that I didn't even feel it. The doctor says I'll be fine." She scooted closer and moved the hair from around my face. "I'm Cordelia, by the way. Cordelia Foxx, your headmistress." I looked up at her and took in her eyes. They were the most beautiful brown that I had ever seen.

" name is Evanora. And I really am sorry, that girl she just came at me! I didn't know-"

"Sshhh." She put her finger over my lips to keep me from talking. "I already told you that it's fine. There is no bad blood between us, dear. Unfortunately, I have to punish you. I don't want the other girls to think that they can strike me with a ball of lightning and get away with it. Madison is serving detention with Mrs. Ashford for the next week. Though, I expect she will find a way of getting out of it. As for you though, you are to report to my office after dinner this evening. You've earned yourself a month of detention with me, and I assure you, I won't be too harsh with you. Okay?" I nodded my head. "If you need help ask Ned. Queenie won't be much help, and Zoe is Madison's best friend. So, steer clear."

I nodded my head and quicker than I wanted her to be, she was gone.

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