6. No Feelings, Remember?

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Dan's POV

"It was worth it." I smirk as I whisper into her ear. She giggles and shoves me playfully back into the bedhead before getting up and going into the kitchen in nothing but my 'I killed Laura Palmer' shirt and undies. It wasn't long till I got up too and put my boxers back on.

I scavenge through my pantry and fridge for any breakfast-type related foods, because I usually eat what is leftover from the night before or go invade Kyle's house for some free food. Pancakes mix was the only thing that I could find, that will have to do. Aurora was standing at the window observing the busy street down below, both hands on her cup of what I'm assuming is coffee. She then makes her way to my vinyl collection, putting The 1975's record on. She swayed to the beat and made her way to the kitchen bench, where she sat. Her legs dangling from the bench.

"Mr. Smith cooking?! For me?! I feel so special." she teased.

"Don't get your hopes up too high love, it's either this or we eat god-knows-how-old pizza. Poisoning women after having sex with them is frowned upon in society."

She shrugs with a small smile on her face. I laugh and continue to mix the ingredients.

Imagine, imagine that I didn't fuck up and I would wake up to this every morning. Wake up to her beautiful face, beautiful laugh, and most importantly her. Fuck no feelings remember? Friends with benefits.

"Dan...Dan!" she poked at me. I gave her my attention. "Anyways, as I was saying before you rudely zoned out-do you still visit...y'know...home?"

I scratch the back of my head, "I do whenever I get the chance but rarely. In uni I went home quite a bit, and then 2 years after uni I got an apartment in London, and then the whole Bastille started, plus the touring. Mum and dad usually come to visit nowadays."

"Funny story" she laughed to herself before continuing on, "for the past 10 years I would go back home to Leed's, spend Christmas there and always wondered why you never showed up. I honestly thought you died."


As we finish breakfast I went into my mini studio where all my instruments and awards were. I sat in the chair opposite my piano and watched her play the guitar.

"I almost forgot how good you were at guitar."

"I've gone a tad bit rusty over the years."

"What was I gonna say-oh that's right-by the way, the boys are coming over for a couple of drinks and party planning. You should stay, I'll introduce you to Woody and Will better."
She nods and accepts.

"Right if I'm gonna hang out here, I need to run to my house real quick because we don't want anyone assuming do we Daniel, so could you do me a favour and drop me off? 'Walk of shames' are not my thing."

"Oh sure." I chuckle.

I'm assuming that Kelsey wasn't home-it's either that or she's still sleeping. Aurora grabs a bag, white hoodie and black runners.
"Let's go." She says as she grabs my arm and skips out of the door.


"I'm going to take a shower real quick." She points out.

"Mind if I join?" I smirk.

"Hilarious Danny, hilarious."

I grab her, "so can I?" I whisper into her ear. She pushed me back into the wall and giggles.
"Catch me." She said as she ran to the bathroom.


Unfortunately I didn't catch her. So instead I took her clothes.

"DAN!" she screams. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE."

I chuckle to myself as I go into my room. A few minutes later she emerges from the bathroom. No towel, and no clothes.

"Hot." I laugh.

"Give me back my clothes, you dick."
I stick my tongue out at her. "Now Danny, this is not how your supposed to treat someone." She says as she walks towards me. Oh fuck I've made such a bad choice.

"Fuck me." I mutter under my breath.

"If you say so." She giggles. I get up and in one swift move I pin her to the wall.

"You're killing me Rora." I mumble as she ran her hands through my hair. I threw her onto the bed lightly and hover above her.

"You're so wet." I laugh. She hits my chest lightly and laughs as well.

"I just came out of the shower you asshole." She rolls her eyes. " SIKE MOTHERFUCKER" she shouts as she hits me with the towel and runs into the bathroom with her clothes.
What the hell?


"Listen Dan, if you pull that shit again I'm going to have to kill you." She giggles as she exits the bathroom in one of my shirts.
"Fuck, I need to get dressed the guys are going to be here soon." I groan. "Oh fuck better start getting dressed now, Kyle ends up coming over earlier than the others."

"Honey! I'm home!!" Kyle shouts. We both look at each other in horror. I slip on my jeans and the shirt that was closest to me.

"Wait here." I whisper to her.

"Hey mate." I say as I close the door behind me. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I run my hand through my hair and smile at him.

"Is Aurora here?"

"Uh-yeah she-she's in the toilet right now."

"Why are you sweating? Or is that water?"

"I just took a shower."
He nods, Aurora emerges from the bathroom and smiles at Kyle.
He cocks up his eyebrow at us.

"Just you two huh?"

"Oh fuck off Kyle, it's not what it looks like." I lied.
He fills up a glass of water and takes a sip out of it.

"...right, about Woody's birthday. We have to have to it on Saturday night because we have a gig on Monday, y'know Dick hates it when we turn up to soundcheck hungover."

Thank god he stopped questioning us.


[[ hey y'all!!
Sorry for the late update I had writers block. Hope you like this chapter.

Also the photo and the video damn yo im gonna nut.

Please don't forget to comment, vote and add to your library.

-Denise xx ]]

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