10. Oh god no

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Dan's POV

"You don't understand Rora I fucking need you right now." I snarl into the microphone of my phone. I chuckle to myself and slouch back onto the seat, spreading my legs and smirk.
Y'know I could of gone to a club and gotten another quick lay. But I did that yesterday and it didn't feel the same.

She breathes heavily,"I need you too."
I run my hand through my hair and look down to my crotch, fuck me.
I take another sip of vodka in my hand.


3 days later.

I pull up next to Aurora's apartment and go up the elevator.
I knock on the door and look down to the floor and shuffle my feet.
"Dan?! Hey!" She exclaims as she throws her hand up. I greet her and hug her.
"Come in, come in! Jesus you must be tired."

"Thank you." I smile weakly. To my surprise Jake-my bad Jax was here. Great. I mentally roll my eyes and sit down at the dinner table where the two were sitting at. Why was this guy stuck up her asshole all of a sudden? Like jeez, give her some space. Okay bad timing because I just randomly showed up to her house at 10 in the morning...but you get what I mean.

"So how is the festival run?" Jax asks.

"Great, but pretty tiring to be honest." I laugh as I take a bite of Aurora's toast.

"Hey!" She slaps me on the arm lightly and laughs. "That's mine."
I stick my tongue out at her. Jax sits there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Hah, that's right fuck you, she's mine. I mean not really but...yeah. She's not exactly mine.

"Are you two like-"

"Oh god no no no, we aren't-me and Dan-were not-" she rambles.

"We're not dating I'm an old childhood friend."
He nods his head slowly and proceeds to drink his tea.

A loud knock startled us, making Aurora jump from her seat. It went silent. Kyle then emerges from the hallway and greets everyone.

"Kyle you asshole, you scared me." Aurora says as she swerved around to face Kyle. Jax had a very confused look on his face.

"You right mate?" I ask.

"I got bored and you weren't at your place so I came here because I wanted to hang out with Aurora." He says as he slouches onto the couch. Oh my god if he keeps doing this he's going to find Aurora and I in bed sooner or later, and we can't afford anyone to find out about us.
"Sorry, I'm Kyle, hey." He greets Jax.

"Jax. I live in the apartment right across."

We all talked for a bit before Kyle left to pickup Janna. Jax left a short while after, and I remained. Thank god he left.


"What movie?" She asked, holding up a whole bunch of dvd's. I pointed to the Psycho CD and she put it in.
As soon as she put on the Cd she sat next to me, unconsciously snuggling up to me.
"You right?" She asked.

I nod, "yeah just a bit of jet lag that's all."

"Do you wanna maybe crash here? You can sleep on my bed and I can sleep on the couch."

"Are you stupid? Why would I let you sleep on the couch? Sleep on the bed with me you big dummy."

"True" she laughs, "are you sure?"

I nod and drag her to her room. I jump into the bed and drag her in with me, making her giggle uncontrollably. I cuddle her, close my eyes and pretend to sleep. She was still giggling her little heart out.
"Dan! Dan! Let go you asshat." She said between giggles.

"No." I mumble. She managed to break free and put herself in a more comfortable position. I open one eye to see her head in the crook of my neck, she had a small smile on her face.
I kiss her on the forehead, "goodnight shitface"

"Goodnight penishead." She mumbled back.

What did I do to deserve her?

[[ Hey guys!
I'm so sorry for the slow updates, I've been really busy with school and all, sorry for the short chapter too.

Hope you like this kinda fluffy chap

Please don't forget to vote, comment and add to your library

-Denise xx ]]

Sunset // Dan Smith/Bastille fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt