1. Backstage

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Aurora's POV

5:45 pm (the day of the concert)

"Aurora!? Are you getting ready?" I heard Kelsey shout from the first floor.


"By the way, these or these?" She says as she barges into her room with a pair of worn white converse and some black boots.

"Boots. Is there any part that's still straight?"

"Nope. Hair is all perfect."

"Done." We nod at each other. I was wearing a green bomber jacket, black top, black jeans and my adidas originals.

"Who's concert did you say it was?" I ask, but she was consumed by her phone, texting away. "Kels. Kelsey!"

"Uh-what? Oh right I dunno they wouldn't say."

"Right. If we die tonight it's all your fault."
She nods and smiles.


"Kelsey Myers and Aurora Archer?" A guy says as he rolled down the window to a black car.

"I swear to god Kelsey I'm not fucking kidding you, I'm going to let you die first." I mumble under my breath, still keeping a small smile on my face.

"It's okay, trust." She replies. "Yep, Kelsey and Aurora here."

"Great. Come in ladies. Here are your passes."

Bastille 2016. Aurora Archer. Backstage pass. I read. Bastille, isn't that the band that Kelsey likes? She must be overjoyed, scoring some backstage tickets to see her faves.


Dick, the driver, also the manager to the band we are about to go see leads us backstage.
"I don't know about this. I have this weird feeling in my gut Kels." I whisper to her.

"You'll be fine, you're just nervous."

We then enter a room that says "Bastille changing room" in big bold letters. Kelsey is smiling like an idiot, her smile is not coming off her face any time soon.
We were met with 4 men. They all looked like they were in their late twenties I guess, my age to be exact.
And that's when our eyes meet. Those stormy blue eyes were not so hard to miss or hard to forget. He's so...different. His chubby cheeks, all the puppy fat was...gone. He had a strong jawline, and his hair was slicked back. Fuck me. Okay stop staring. I look to the ground and stare at my shoes. He does the same, running his hands through his hair.

"Aurora!" I hear another man say. I look up, clearly confused. Oh my god it's Kyle!

"Kyle! Oh my god you look so different and so grown up! You've-your got a beard! You said you were going to grow one but I never believed you!" I laugh as we let go of each other.
I pull Kelsey out for a second.
"What the fuck is this?!" I whisper-yell.

"I saw Kyle yesterday and then this happened." She shrugs.

"Stop. Stop smiling! You two shit heads thought it would be a good idea for me and him to meet again?! We didn't leave on a good note Kels, I told you that!"

"I know, I know. But it's obvious you need him. Look at you! You've been crying over him for 10 years for godsakes woman. Everyone I set you up with or you go on a date with you never like. So maybe getting some closure might help."

As I was about to say something Dan walks out, with a cigarette inbetween his fingers. "Oh shit sorry, am I interrupting something here? Sorry I'll leave-"

I sigh. "No." I turn back to Kelsey, who has seemingly disappeared into thin air.




"Fuck you Dan. Seriously, fuck. You. I hate you so much, I can't believe you didn't even believe me. You won't even hear my side of the story. You want to know what happened?! Kyle was complimenting me! Telling me it's okay and telling me shit that you never bothered to tell me. I needed someone but you were doing fuck all. No texts. No calls. Nothing. You never even bothered to ask me what he said. You took everything out of context and now it's turned out like this. He was saying he loved my fucking jumper Dan! My jumper! Not me. I didn't cheat on you. How fucking dare you for thinking that. You think I would do that to you? My best friend?"

"Aurora look. I-I messed up. I'm sorry." He said, he looked like he was on the verge of tears.
I sigh and envelope him into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much." I whisper.

Sunset // Dan Smith/Bastille fanficWhere stories live. Discover now