2. Seeing You

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Dan's POV

Two girls walked in, a blonde one and a girl with long midnight black hair. I narrow my eyes. Oh my god it was her.
It was Aurora. She looked so different. Her beautiful green eyes were complimented by the minimal makeup she was wearing. Was this really the girl I grew up with?

We caught each others eyes and looked to the floor. She had the same long, midnight black hair, and the same beautiful green eyes-I mean obviously you can't change your eye colour but still. She's changed so much. She looked like a model, not in offensive way, but God was she a sight.

Kyle immediately hugs her, jumping with glee. That bastard, he knew about this. And Kelsey has something to do with this crap.Aurora pulls Kelsey out of the room and I pull Kyle aside.
"Kyle. Why is she here?" I say, pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes. I open my eyes, he shrugs. Keeping a stupid grin on his face.
"Whatever. I'm going out."

"Dan wait. You said you were going to stop! We have a show in an hour!" Kyle shouts. I roll my eyes and take a cigarette and put it in between my fingers. I know it's not good for my voice but what do I have to live for? I'm probably not gonna make it to 40.

My eyes wander as I walk out of the room. "Oh shit sorry, am I interrupting something here? Sorry I'll leave-" I stammer.

Aurora sighs. "No." I turn around to find that Kelsey had somehow disappeared.
She ranted and said all of the things she had been holding onto for all these years. I was stupid and I still am. I should've listen I should've known.

"I missed you." she whispered into my ear. Silent sniffles following after.

"I missed you too." I reply, trying not to break down. And I really did mean it. All those years I never really stopped thinking about her. The pain never stopped, it just hurt. I didn't know whether to feel hurt, betrayed, angry, or sad, so I took all of them. The first two years was hell, my life went into what seemed like a never-ending spiral of depression. I remember waking up in hospital because of all the alcohol intake in such a short amount of time. And the fact that I was basically eating nothing and depending mostly on the alcohol didn't make it any better. But I guess I'm better...I think?

We quickly let go and she wiped the tears off of her face, being careful not to smudge anything. I smiled weakly, she was so different but still the same all at once.
Was this even the girl I grew up with?

"Come up to the rooftop." I say softly.
She nods and follows after me. I don't know why we loved rooftops so much, it was just our thing you know? It made us feel safe and on top of the world, though undeniably unsafe for multiple reasons.

As we got to the top we leaned on the edge, our elbows against the hard brick. "Smoking is bad for your voice."

"Oh-uh I only do it when I'm stressed."

"Right." She huffed. "Anyways, what you been up to these past 10 years?"

"I mean-wow I don't know. A lot has happened since we...you know broke up. Um...I guess the last few years have been non-stop touring so that's that." I shrug.

"I told you Dan. I told you your name would be up in lights one day."

"You said our name." I mumble to myself. Guessing by the silence she heard what I said.

"Got anyone? Married? Girlfriend?-or Boyfriend? I won't judge."

"You sounded just like Fran there." I laugh,"but no, no-one at the moment."

Dick then emerges from the doors from the stairway and tells me to come back down.

"It was nice seeing you again. Do you want to maybe get a drink later? Tell each other what we missed and other bullshit like that?"

"Ofcourse." She smiles sweetly. She stayed up for a bit longer and stared off into the sunset. How much I would pay just to get piece of her thoughts.


As the show ended they we all bowed and went off the stage. The coffee didn't ware off so I was still wide awake.
I go into the dressing room and wipe the sweat off of my face and change my clothes. As I was pulling my shirt off my head I heard the door creak open, I face the door, and quickly pull the shirt off my head.
"Hey Kyle." I heard Aurora say. Our eyes then met "oh shit I'm sorry!" She stammered as she quickly shut the door.

I chuckle to myself, "Aurora it's alright, I had my shirt off not my boxers. You can come in."

She was blushing, as soon as she walked in she looked to the floor and bit her lip.

"Heyyyy!" Kyle said as he barged into the room. "I'm sorry I'll leave you two alone." He winked.

"Come, we'll go to the pub across the road."


[[ Heyyy!!

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-Denise xx ]]

Sunset // Dan Smith/Bastille fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon