Chapter 27 - Asriel Dreemurr! The Absolute GOD of Hyperdeath!

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In the Living Room...

*door knocks*

Me: I'll get it. *runs to the door and opens*

???: Hello Azure!

Me: Oh, hello Toriel!

Everyone: Hey Toriel!

Toriel: Hee hee hee, such wonderful friends here...

Frisk: Hi. *walks up and hugs her*

Toriel: Oh, hello my child *hugs back* Good to see you.

Sans: Hey Tori!

Toriel: Hello there Sans. It's goat to meet you.

Sans: Hahahaha.

Frisk: *runs back and sits in between Toriel and him*

Undyne: *looks around* Say, where's Asgore?

Alphys: Yeah, where is he? I thought he could come here for a bit.


Toriel: Oh, he's coming... He's a bit late, that's all.

Me: *approach behind Sans and whispered* Hey bro, keep your girl safe while I'm gone. I need to get something from town.

Sans: Alright.

Me: Okay, later *leaves the apartment and bumps into someone* Huh? Asgore? 

Asgore: Howdy, is Frisk in there?

Me: Yeah, one question... why are you burned up?

Asgore: Tell her...


What's up Buddies! I'm still on holidays today and guess what? I have 43 followers tagging along with me which surprises me alot. Well, once this book is completed, I'll make another one relate this, which is Volume 2 or Season 2, I don't know O.o. Well, let's move onto this chapter. I hope you enjoy this~ P.S This chapters contains Asriel's battle and a bit of Frisk x Asriel moment.


Previously on Undertale - The Story of Determination...

Frisk finally meets up with Asgore once again

It turns out they wouldn't fight each other so Asgore surrender and drop his weapon, unable to fight this human

Toriel blasted between the two and scolded at him for doing treacherous things to the humans and cause everyone to trapped down here in the past year. (Poor Asgore : ( )

Soon, all her friends came: Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus and Sans

It seems somehow that Toriel and Sans may have known each other through their voices and both joked on Papyrus. (A/N: I still hate them though)

In the end, Toriel was happy to see the friends I made...

Alphys then asked about how did everyone know this and get here?

Papyrus answered something about a 'tiny flower'  which caused a large vine to plunged her friends...


Frisk's P.O.V

I watched in horror as all of my friends cried out in pain and they were binded by the vines. I heard them struggling and Undyne was grunting as she struggle to free herself.

Undertale - The Story of Determination (Sans X Frisk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang