Bonus Chapter - Dinner with Sans (Sans x Frisk Moments 5)

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UNLOCKED - (10/10)


In the Living Room...

The gang is sleepin and yet Sans woke up first.

Sans: *yawns* Man, I'm starving. *looks down at Frisk sleeping* Aww... she's beautiful...

Frisk: *sucking her thumb*

Sans: *shakes her lightly* Hey kid, wake up.

Frisk: *woke up* Hmm...

Sans: Wanna go to Grillby's?

Frisk: Hmm-hmm *nod*

Sans: Heh, okay. Let's take the shortcut. *holds her and teleports out of here.*

Me: I just love those two. *o*


What's up Buddies! Here's the fifth 'Bonus' chapter of Sans x Frisk moments. I wrote this story on Microsoft Word before I transfer it to this page and did a little editing here and there. So, this is a little romance here except you might that this change a bit... it's jealousy. So be careful about this guys, sometimes I do get jealous because of the fandoms. (WARNING: If Sans x Toriel fandoms here, I recommend that you need to beware otherwise 'watch out' because a family who loves this pairing will have a war . I hope you enjoy it~

P.S: Just make sure if you are Sans x Frisk fan here, welcome to the family :D


Frisk's P.O.V

I went upstairs and saw a tall purple building which resembles a hotel with the big sign that says 'MTT Resort' in golden writing. There is a long red carpet placed down vertically on the ground and stretched towards the double glass doors. Along the way, I saw Sans leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. A large smile went across my face as I ran up to him.

"Hey, Sansy~" I greeted, jumping into his arms as they came out when he sense my approach.

"Hey, Frisky~" He replied, hugging me and kissing my forehead, "I heard you're going to the CORE."

"Yep, I'm ready to go home." I admitted, and Sans chuckled.

"Say Frisk, how about grabbing some dinner with me first?" He advised.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Great, thanks for treating me." He replied, taking my hand into his, "Over here I know a shortcut." He pulled me behind the resort and teleported inside, of course my eyes were close to the flash. "Well, here we are." He announced, and I opened my eyes. We both appeared inside the dark dining restaurant, there's only a fewer monsters. Sans dragged me far away from the chattering monsters and arrived at the table for two. He pulled out a chair for me like a gentleman would do to a fine lady.

"Thank you." I thanked politely, as I sat down and he pushed me against the table.

After that, he sat in the chair across from me. He took out a matchstick and lit it up to light a candle in the centre of the table... looks romantic I think. Sans smiled at me with that sweet smile of his, I blushed and giggled shyly. A Mettaton-like robot wearing a waitress clothing walked up to our table and set down the food that Sans ordered. The plate had served with a steak covered in sauce with vegetables. Sans cut up the steak in pieces and chewed on a piece. He picked up another with a fork and held up to me.

"Here, have some." He insisted. I leaned over with my mouth open and bit the meat before pulling away chewing, my face lit up in a pleasant expression. "Good, huh?" I nodded and we share the meal until the plate is empty. I wiped my mouth with a napkin while Sans does it with the sleeves with his hoodie. There was a silence between as the romantic music was playing in the background.

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