Chapter 30

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Josie's POV:

I'm engaged at 22. Hopefully to the man of my dreams.

I'm currently waiting inside my hotel room waiting to get beautified for the banquet.

A few minutes later I hear a knock at the door. I open it and in walks three ladies with a huge makeup kit, long black gown, shoes, hair accessories and a clutch purse.

My future husband sure puts a lot of effort into looking good.

I sit down on a hotel room chair and one of the ladies named Sydney does my makeup.

"We're going to do a smokey-eyed look!" Sydney gushes.

"And we will curl your hair beautifully." Another one of the ladies named Melissa smiles at me.

"Your so gorgeous Ms. Reid, no wonder the boss wanted to be with you." Katelyn says.

"What do you mean?" I ask suspiciously.

"The boss is a very stubborn, picky guy. Let's just say that things have to be a certain way to fit his standards."

"Oh." I furrow my eyebrows deep in thought.

"No don't furrow your eyebrows, your going to ruin the way I did your eyebrows!" Sydney cries sarcastically.

"Omgosh I'm sorry!" I exclaim, adjusting my eyebrows.

A few minutes later my makeup is done and I'm getting my hair curled.

After I get my hair curled. I step into my black gown and heels.

After I'm into my outfit, Melissa applies a fresh coat of red lipstick onto my lips and I'm ready to go.

"Thanks so much girls, I love my look!" I thank them as I'm about to leave.

"Wait, Ms. Reid!" Katelyn calls.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You can't go downstairs without being escorted, it's the boss's rules."

" so do I just wait here for my escort?" I ask.

"Ya Todd will be here in a few minutes."

A few moments later, there's a knock on the door which Sydney answers.

She opens the door fully and in walks a tall guy about 6'4 in height, with blonde hair, wearing a black suit. Gosh he's hot!

"Hello I am here to escort a Ms. Josie Reid to the banquet."

"That is I."  I stand up and put my hand  on his arm.

"May I ask a question?" I ask as we leave the hotel room and walk down the hall.

"And what would that question be ma'am?" Todd asks.

"Why do I have to be escorted to the banquet?"

"For one it's a tradition and secondly the banquet is for you and mar- the boss's engagement so it wouldn't look proper if you arrived without an escort." He explains.

I wonder if he knows that I noticed where he stuttered. I think he was about to say the name of my future husband but he stopped himself before he fully said it. Is he not allowed to tell me what my future husband's name is?
Hmm so many unanswered questions.

He opens a door for me and guides me down a beautiful lite up stair case with a sparkling chandler just above it. As we get to the bottom of the stairs, the whole view of the ballroom is laid out in front of me. It's beautiful!

Suddenly a middle aged woman walks up beside me. She's wearing a gorgeous long red dress and her long dark hair is curly.

"You must be Josie?" She looks me in the eye.

"Yes I am, it's a delight to meet you. And you are?" I ask.

"My name is Heather, I'm one of the hosts of the banquet." She smiles at me.

She doesn't look like a host of a banquet but maybe I just think that because I don't go to a lot of banquets.

"I'll see you later." The lady smiles and walks off.

That was a little strange.

"Excuse my lady, could I have this dance?" A young gentlemen asks me.

"Of course." I smile at him and take his hand.

I wonder where the 'boss' is anyways.

"I'm Miles by the way." The young man introduces himself as he puts his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

Maybe this is the boss. Miles could be my future husband. Any guy here could be.

I put my arms around his neck as we begin to dance to a slow song.

"Your so beautiful, Josie." Miles compliments.


Suddenly, I feel myself getting pulled away from Miles.

I look up to see Mark pulling me away from Miles.

"What are you doing Mark?" I ask as he pulls me away from Logan and across the room.

I send Logan an apologetic smile.

"You shouldn't be dancing with other guys when your engaged." Mark states looking dead serious.

"I don't even know who my future husband is though!" I exclaim.

"I do." Mark says before closing the gap between us and attaching his lips to mine in a deep, passionate kiss.  He wraps his arms around my waist as he deepens the kiss.

"Gosh I love you Josie." Mark says pulling away.

"I love you too Mark."

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