"To her, it is. She thinks I'm slacking in my studies and," He stopped himself.

"And?" I asked curious.

"You know she is just too strict sometimes. She, um, doesn't like me socializing with girls that much." He said it warily. I knew his mom meant me. She had a fight about our friendship before. I think the only time she actually liked me was when I was invited to eat iftar with them, but that was about it. She never did like me.

"I think most Arab parents are a bit strict in that way. If my dad would have it his way, I would've never gotten engaged." I tried lighting up the mood. I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable that he had told me this now.

Chuckling lightly, he looked down at his hand as he mumbled a 'yeah'. Well, that lightened the mood alright.


Saturday couldn't come any slower, the last couple of days literally dragged on as I counted down the days for Milan. I was waiting for my mom, Nadia and Ella to call me when they arrive to London so I could met up with them at Selfridges to shop.

It was already midday and I was bored. My body clock woke me up at 7 in the morning. I tried calling Zayn but he seemed to be busy, or sleeping as he hadn't picked up or called me back since, so I had been doing nothing for the past five hours.

My phone finally buzzed and I literally jumped, "Hello?"

"Hey baby. We are here." My mom chanted excitedly.

"Cool, have you checked in yet?" I asked getting up from the couch and going to my room to change.

"Yeah and we're just putting out overnight bags. We should be done in 15 minute. Then we'll head to the shopping places." She said.

"Alright, I'll meet you there." I hanged up throwing the phone on my bed as I roomed my closet.

Picking up the easiest outfit I could, I pulled my famous black skirt with a navy blue shirt and a cotton white scarf. It was a comfy outfit, perfect for a long day of shopping. It only took me like ten minutes to get dressed, so I decided to put some food and water out for Max in case we take too long in our shopping and he gets hungry.

Looking at the clock, I noticed another five minutes had passed. This was torturous. I decided to just head out and hope they wouldn't be late so I won't look a complete loser waiting in the street on my own.

The second I got out of the apartment, my phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered knowing it must've been my mother, "Are you there?"

"If by there you mean Milan, then not quite. But I will be in two days." Zayn answered making me smile. He baffled me for a second but his voice made me happy. Especially that he sounded excited about the trip.

"Hello stranger." I greeted him.

"Hey babe, who are you meeting?" He asked while somethings shuffled in his background.

"My mom. I told you she was coming to London with Ella and Nadia to shop for Milan." I said walking out of the building and hiding to the shopping center. It was a ten minutes' walk.

"Oh yeah. They are there already?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to meet them now. How about you? France treating you alright?" I asked having a better remembering of his schedule now.

"It's alright, haven't really gone exploring. Fans know our every move. Can't really go anywhere without police protection." He sighed.

"Well that sucks." I frowned feeling bad for him. For someone who had been all over the world, he had seen of it as much as I had.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now