cause I'M the BADASS

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harry's pov:

there she was lying on the bathroom floor i didnt knew what to do i was just staring at her I did not know what to do . I just stared at her like the other boys . liam responded first he picked her up and walked her to her bed . He ran downstairs to get the kit and began to clean her up .

she was still unconscious on her bed . I told the boys that they could go down and I waited until she woke up . half an hour later it started to move a bit and she woke up .

fenne 's pov :

I woke up with the worst headache ever I sighed a little and turned around . I opened my eyes and looked straight into the eyes of my brother , I sat right up and he started talking " I'm so very fenne I would not leave well actually I wanted it but if I knew what happened to you I would never have left " " you did it anyway and you called a once a month mom was hopeless without you we all were and that you had to know it's all your fault , "I said a little harsh . " I told you I was sorry so . " he said " I DONT CARE " I yelled "DO YOU REALLY START AGAIN WITH THIS attidude ? " he yelled at me . at that time he got up from his chair and walked away .

a couple of minutes later niall walked in  and sat on my bed next to me he started a conversation wit me  * n= for niall F=for fenne

N: why are you being such a badass to us?

F: i have an reputation and i have to keep it that way.

N:but you can be nice you know.

F:i will try to be nice to you guys im sorry for being a asshole.

N:no problem love. 

i think i have an soft spot for him because i always am subborn but i seem to like him.

he just continued staring at me and removed a strike of hair from my face and he just kissed me i kissed back it was passionate and lovable he pulled away and i lied down on my bed he lied next to me and asked me somthing "Fenne do you wanna be my girlfriend?" niall asked "ofcourse i wanna be your girlfriend," i anserwd back and kissed him on te lips i lied my head on his chest and fell asleep of the heartbeat of his heart.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wooooo niall and fenne in a relationship what will happen when harry finds out ?//////////

readd and vote pleasee xx

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