I wanted to turn around to let Matt know that they were here but my eyes were stuck on Danielle. More specifically, her mouth. Those lips that suddenly I had the biggest urge to kiss.

What was wrong with me? Snap out of it Camden! Remember that you can't even hold her hand.

"Earth to the dumba$s in front of me!" Matt was waving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"They are here, and Matt, can you please behave for a while? Please?" I pleaded.

Matt looked at me like I was committing blasphemy against him! "I always behave my dear Cammy, why would you say something like that? I'm completely and utterly hurt!"

For a second, He did looked hurt. Almost like he was about to cry. Then he laughed, and I couldn't believe that I almost fell for his act. "Me, behave? Not happening! What would be the fun in that?"

Matt will always be Matt. The crazy prankster guy with a huge heart.

"Hey guys!",Nick asked, giving Matt a hand shake first. I was expecting a handshake as well, but he just nodded his head towards me, "Daniels". Weird, why was he acting all serious with me.

If looks could talked, his was saying something like,"I know what you want, and it's not going to happen!". He has always been very protective of Danielle. But this was more than being protective. I was getting a very different vibe from him, almost like jealousy.

I ignored him and looked at Danielle. I couldn't help it. I was grinning like an idiot. "Hello Danielle." She smiled a little, "hi"

Funny thing is that after acknowledging earlier today that I liked her, not just physically but in a I want to hug you, I want to kiss you, I want to get to know you kind of way; I didn't know how to act around her, because according to Matt I was to obvious.

We all sat down again, Danielle sharing one side of the booth with me. To say that I was in cloud nine was an understatement. I was in galaxy fifteen! If something like that existed.

Matt was explaining his plan. Some of Matt's ideas were crazy, others plain stupid. Steven Diaz didn't know what was coming his way. Nick even added some of his own ideas. I couldn't denied that he was a good guy. I think that I just envied him. He has been in Danielle's life forever. Sadly, I couldn't say the same.

We ate our food with Nick and Matt planning something along the lines of sticking a potato with a whistle inside of Steven's car exhaust. I wasn't really paying attention to them. I was waiting for an opportunity to talk to Dani.

"So how are you feeling? Being out and stuff, you know?" And I was now rambling.

She looked around the diner and then back at our table. "Well this place is not crowded. I have Nick and you with me so, I'm ok so far." she smiled. "Besides, I really like Matt. He is a character."

"That he is. I still don't know how all of us have agreed to help him with his pranks. We can get in serious trouble."

"Come on Camden, live a little! Isn't that what you always tell me?" she was smirking.

"You are learning too quickly! I think I'm not a good influence on you."

She grabbed one of her French fries and hitted me on the nose with it, then she threw it across the table and it landed right on Nick's head.

That was just the beginning of a huge food fight. We were all laughing, and the few people around us were giving us the stink eye.

But nothing was as funny as when Matt squeezed a bottle of ketchup towards me. I dodged it, but the sauce continued its trajectory, and it went right to the booth behind us. Landing on an elderly lady's hair. The lady screamed at us, and I think she was going to hit us with her purse. That was when the diner's manager came and kicked us out.

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