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[Sunday Evening]

We are now driving to Harry's mother's house and I'm a nervous wreck, I think I've been gripping Harry's hand too hard because the blood flow seem to be lost from his arm to his hand.

"Babe. Its just my mum, can you relax?" He asks, seeming worried.

"I'm so scared Harry, I haven't been this scared since graduation" I say, frantic.

"You'll be absolutely fine. I guarantee you, she will like you" He smiles, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek.

We arrive outside a cute little house, its looks very warming and I see Gemma's pink hair from the window -- she dyed her hair two weeks ago. Harry smiles as I get out and we walk to the door, Harry obviously just letting himself in.

"Harry! My darling son, how are you?" A woman - who I'm assuming is his mom-- says, walking her way to us and hugging him very tightly.

She's extremely beautiful, I now know where he gets his features because damn, she's a beautiful woman.

"I'm great mum, how are you? You look very beautiful" He says, complimenting his mother. Sweet.

"I'm wonderful pumpkin, thank you" She smiles before looking over to me. "Hello darling, are you Christy?"


Breathe in. Breathe out.

"Yes, that is me. Lovely to meet you ma'am" I offer my shaking hand.

"Goodness lord Harry, did you tell I was a monster or something? Her poor hands are shaking" She gasps, wrapping her arms around.

"I'm fine ma'am. Don't worry about me" I say, trying to escape her grip and she let's go.

"First of all, call me Anne. Ma'am sounds so old" She smiles, walking us over to the kitchen.

"And second of all, you're not okay. Harry shouldn't have scared you like this" She says, turning around and slapping his across his head.

"Ow! Muummyy" He pouts, making me giggle. He's such a big baby.

"Would you like some water? To calm down the nerves?" She asks, entering the kitchen and I notice Gemma there, eating out of a tub of ice cream.

"Christy?!" Gemma squeals, wrapping her arm around me and hugging me very tightly.

"Hello Gemma, how are you? Loving the hair" I smile, taking s seat next to Anne by the counter.

"I know! My hair is super cool!" She grins, shaking it a little.

"Gemma, quit shaking your hair all over the house and get this lady some water" Anne says, wrapping a arm around around my shoulder.

"Jesus mum, how come you let Gemma eat my favorite ice cream?" Harry pouts.

"Because baby, she threatened to draw a penis on my car" Anne says.

"Yeah Harry! Suck it!" Gemma laughs, giving me a glass of tap water.

"Okay Okay, that's enough foul language. Can we have a little order in this house please, you two are not too old for a spanking" She says-- a little sternly-- taking out her roasted chicken.

"Can we go to the dinner table please?" Anne asks, carrying the chicken to the table.

Its been about two hours here at the Styles house and I don't think I've ever laughed as hard in my entire life. Gemma and Harry's childhood is probably thee most hilarious thing you've ever heard.

"--and Harry would always make me sit in the floor and on a towel in case I bled in his room. Your boyfriend was a asshole" Gemma says, shoveling more ice cream in her mouth.

"Gemma, I was 12. I knew nothing" Harry states, obviously not liking this idea of being ganged up on.

"So Christy, what about your childhood?" Anne asks.

"Uh... I had the same struggles as Gemma really, except I had a older brother though and he's quite protective over me, it sucks" I sigh.

"Oh? What's he's name?"

"Matthew but we call him Matt - he hates the name Matthew" I say.

"Oh my God! Is he's name Matt Jackson?" Gemma asks and I nod.

"We went on a double date in college, I was with my ex- boyfriend and he was with his ex- girlfriend" She grins.

"He's a really nice guy, hot too" She adds.

"Gemma!" Anne scolds.

"It was so lovely you Christy, you are such a darling" Anne smiles, making me smile. Harry checks his watch and gasps,

"Gee, it's already ten o'clock"

"My goodness, it's way past my bedtime, I better get go bed" Anne says, getting up from the table.

"Thank you for having me Anne, it was truly lovely to meet you" I smile, giving her a small hug.

"Lovely to me you too darling, take care of my baby boy okay?" She says and I nod.

"Bye muummyy" Harry sings, hugging Anne very tightly and I move to hug Gemma goodbye, who tells me say hi to 'my hot brother'

We thank them once again and walk out the door and into the car.

"See? She loves you" Harry smiles, squeezing my hand and we drive out the driveway and that on our way home.

We've driven halfway and Harry turns the radio down again and smiles,

"So I was thinking, I love you very very much and you love me very much too, so I was thinking you know we should live together" He suggests, making my eyes bulge out if their sockets.

"Live together? As in share the same house?"

"Yes baby, live in the same house. Do you not want that?" He asks.

"No I do, I really do. But I'm worried I won't be able to afford anything in that house" I say, sighing. The struggles of being poor.

"You don't have to pay anything baby" Harry says.

"Hell no, you're gonna pay everything Harry" I scoff.

"You can buy groceries for the house" He says.

"That's it?" I ask.

"Yep, save your money for something you really need, like getting a new phone"

"Nothing is wrong with my cell phone Harry" I scoff.

"Yes there is, many people are walking around with iPhone sixes and you're still parading with iPhone 4" He chuckle.

"Fuck you Harry" I laugh, making him smirk.

"I love you" He says, making me smile.

"I love you too, handsome" I reply.

"So will you move in with me?" He asks.

"Yes! I will move in with you" I say.

"Great!" He cheers. "I can now fuck you whenever I want"

"You need to see a doctor" I say, making him laugh loudly. A beautiful sound.


A/N - Gemma and Harry's sibling relationship is adorable!

Guess who's moving in together..?

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