Chapter 34 - "Don't Let Them Break You"

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My entire body is jolted in consciousness, aching in pain as it had each morning. Though, there were no bruises to prove it this time.

The events from yesterday – or whenever I was previously conscious – suddenly come flooding into my view, as I find myself seeing glimpses of what had happened. My simulation, though, was clearer than the rest.

I tilt my head wearily to the side, the drowsy effects of the morphine clearly still in my system, as I observe the familiar concrete room. The white panels glowed, as my eyes trail around finally landing on the middle aged man whom I've found myself growing fond of, who by the look of it was in a deep sleep.

"Lee." I croak out, lifting my arm desperately, brushing my hand against his. "Lee? Wake up."

His body suddenly jerks upwards as he lets out a gasp of surprise, taking a few moments before realising where he was.

"Lee, are you okay?" I ask, suddenly concerned at his panicked state.

He swallows slowly, blinking heavily before looking at me. "Yeah. I'm fine." He furrows his eyebrows, shifting around in his seat, "What about you? Feeling okay?"

"What do you think?" I say, my face lacking expression. Silence fills the air as he slowly turns his gaze to the ground.

"Sorry," I sigh, shaking my head, "I just – I remember it. I remember everything, Lee." I shake as I speak, while Lee firmly grabs my hands, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Listen to me, alright? It's over now. You're safe, okay? I swear to you this won't happen again. I won't let it, you understand me? You've got to trust me when I say I won't let them do this ever again." He pulls me into a hug, pulling me close to his chest. His hand brushes over the back of my head, soothingly. A tear silently falls down my cheek, as I press my face into his shirt, the feeling of electric shocks faintly pulsing through me. That memory would never leave me, for as long as I lived. He suddenly pulls me close, pressing his lips by my ear. "Don't listen to them, Eve. You're something different. You can't let them break you. Do not ever give them that power... or they'll be unstoppable." He whispers in my ear quickly, "Do you understand? You're the key to everything."

Before I know it he slips away from my grasp, looking at me one time for confirmation.

I give him a slow nod, still slightly confused at his sudden outburst, until he quickly steps out of the room, his boots echoing as he leaves.

I stare down at my palms, where Lee had placed a shiny object, lacing it between my fingers so that it was unseen by the cameras. I hold back a gasp, as I find the shiny object was a locket. My locket.

Without a second thought, I strategically close my eyes, rolling onto my side to give the impression I was sleeping. After a few minutes, with no movement from the doorway, I decide it's safe.

I pull the locket up from underneath the sheets, quietly open it. The photos catch my eye immediately, of my mothers, fathers and Flynn's smiling faces. My mother and Flynn were still out there somewhere. If I could find them and protect them... I'd know then that I am safe.

A sudden realisation occurred within me. Lee's truth had begun to sink in. He was right, if I let them break me I'll never leave this place. And I have to get out. I have to.

I need to fight. I can't lose sight of my goals. And then once everything is in place...
We will take back what is ours.


"What is so important, soldier? I was in the middle of a meeting." Lilith speaks, her grey face appearing on the large holographic monitor.

"It's Evelyn Mairwood, ma'am." The soldier, facing the large screen, where surveillance of the girl with auburn hair stood, clawing at the door.

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