Chapter 25 - "Seizures & Simulations"

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Dark circles weighed under the crew's eyes, yawns escaping each member every minute. No one could sleep. Not after everything that has happened. Not after everything that is going to happen.

As we finally trudged out of the large cabin, the ceilings I had come accustomed to after staring at them blankly for long hours of the night, a sense of relief came over me. The place was gorgeous, sure, but very little good had come from staying there. The darkest of memories that this cabin had created would stick with me forever.

"Eve, you okay?" Zoe smiled, as I slowed my pace. I nodded my head in response, limping along aside her. She softened her grin sympathetically, giving my hand a squeeze before running up ahead, towards the monstrous van.

Moonlight shone down on our pale faces, its glow the only source of light that was able to guide us on our path. We had planned earlier in the day to leave as late as we could, in order to avoid broad daylight, where we could be seen. Though something told me that not even the darkness could protect us.

The crew begins huddling into the van once everything is packed, as I continue to slowly limp behind. Annie rushes out to me, supporting some of my weight so that I was able to move faster.

"There we go..." She says encouragingly, guiding me up the stairs. "One more," She smiles, as I take the last step, joining the rest of the crew.

I limp towards the back where Dax sat quietly, flipping through his notes. Dex got up from his side, walking down towards the front of the van where Zoe was getting ready to drive. A yawn escaped Dax's mouth, as I took a seat by his side.

He glances up at me, smiling. "You feeling alright?" A look of sympathy flashes across his face, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I wish people would stop asking me that..." I mutter, looking down at my hands, "I'm okay, though. Better than I was."

"I get that." He nods, setting down some of his papers. "We just care about you, you know? We've been through enough for all of us to know when something is up with you. And – you don't have to talk about it if you don't want. Just... let us know you're doing okay."

I smile at Dax, thankful that I had been lucky enough to find these people. I rest my hand on his, giving it a small shake. "You remind me so much of him."

"Of who?" Dax says, tilting his head.

"Simon." I say, a sense of familiarity washing over me as I said his name. "You and he are a lot alike. Same goofy personality, same genius brain... same kindness." I smile, brief memories of Simon flickering in and out.

"Well, I'm excited to meet him then. We need another brains around here." He chuckles, glancing back down at his papers.

"If you get to meet him." I lower my voice, suddenly becoming aware of the fact that we may not even make it to North Wall.

"Hey," Dax squeezes my hand, "you'll see him again."

I knew as he said those words he didn't just mean Simon.

I nod, running a hand through my partly matted hair. "I know I will. Whether it be this life, or the next one... I'll see them again."


Jason yawned across from me, with Annie sleeping gently on his shoulder and the soft murmur of the crew's snores.

"You should get some sleep." I whisper, startling him slightly.

"Fine..." He whispers in defeat, leaning his head back against the sofa. "Just... twenty minutes..." He barely finishes his sentence before dozing off, his breathing falling into a rhythmic pattern, chest rising and descending gently.

The Corrupted (Completed - editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن