Chapter 29 - "Old Faces"

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The wheels clatter along the floor, as they rush Zoe's stretcher away down a corridor. I'd awoken just as we had gotten out of the tunnels, with the soldier-like people telling me it would all be fine, that I was safe.

I look down at my all-black gear, which is covered in blood, finding they'd taken away my weaponry and earpiece.

I sit down on a plastic chair in the grey concrete waiting room, holding my head in my hands.

In times like these I make a list in my head, of everything I know about the situation so far.

Pros. We made it. We made it into North Wall, and found people.

Cons. Zoe was bitten, practically dead when they'd found us. The crew still could be out there in those tunnels, with no knowledge of where we were.

"Eve Mairwood." A voice catches my attention, as I look up to see a boy, probably my age with dark features, looking down at me. "Welcome to the underground."

"How is Zoe? Have you found anyone else in the tunnels?" I stand up impatiently, looking to the stranger in desperation.

"I can answer your questions," He says, "Just follow me."

I nod, swallowing my fears as he takes me out of the waiting room and down a series of corridors. "Zoe is in surgery, at the moment." He speaks finally, as we continue walking. "And as for your friends..."

He gestures to a room, with a single window. I peer inside, finding Dex, Dax, Jason, Annie and Fallon all sitting along a metal seat separately, cuffed up.

The twisting churning feel in my stomach settles, as I burst in without another thought, all of their heads perking up to see me.

"Eve, thank god. Tell these idiots to un-cuff us." Fallon snarls at the last bit, glaring over at the boy behind me.

I glance back at the boy behind me, who folds his arms, shaking his head. "No. Not until you tell us what business you have here."

The crew remains silent, until I finally roll my eyes, giving in. "We're on a mission. We believe you have someone here that we need." I decide to leave out the part where we beg for their help in recovering Flynn, simply because it may not be the best time right now.

"You work for the government?" The boy says, glaring at me suspiciously.

"No." I shake my head, glancing back at the others.

"We're from another base not too far from here." Jason speaks up, shuffling on his seat uncomfortably.

"So you're all together, in black uniform, with heavy weaponry, and you expect me to believe you're not with the government?" The dark-haired boy says, glaring at me in particular.

"Wait – wait..." Dex sits up, "I hate to interrupt this interrogation, but I need to ask Eve something."

I knew what was coming next. It was inevitable.

"Where's Zoe?" Dex says, a hopeful look in his eye. I see all of their faces turn towards me in anticipation.

I tense up, avoiding their stares by gazing at the ground.

"Eve?" Dax whispers from the corner.

"She –" I let in a shaky breath, looking up at them. "She's in the hospital."

The room goes dead silent for a moment, until the boy behind me gives me a slight push, gesturing for me to go sit down. I nod, silently stepping over to the concrete bench and sitting down.

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