"Hello, Maha." Seif's whole posture stiffened as he forced a smile to the girl.

"So, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be helping your mother install that new security system?" She hummed ever so innocently making Seif control an eye roll.

"I didn't know our security system was an interesting topic for you to keep up with." Seif forced a smile making me giggle to myself. For the first time in my live, I noticed Seif used sarcasm. And it was amazing.

Maha laughed like he just told the funniest joke ever, "Oh Seif, you know how your mom tells me about her plans every day. We are really close." She directed that last part to me, actually noticing my presence for the first time.

"Nice, and did she by any chance mention I was coming here today?" Seif raised a brow at her making me try my hardest to stop a laugh from bursting. The look on Maha's face was priceless.

"Um, are we done for the day?" Waliyha came to the table holding an iced latte in her hand and looking between the three of us confused.

"No, we still have about 15 minutes left." Seif told Waliyha.

"Oh, what a coincident. I just ordered a coffee and it would be ready in 15 minutes. Maybe we could walk home together?" Maha asked with hope.

"If you don't mind walking the girls home first." Seif tried his best to be polite but the words came out forced. The whole situation was a bit awkward but amusing to watch at the same time.

"Of course." She forced a polite smile leaving us to go take or actually make her order.

"Um, who was that?" Waliyha asked still confused.

"A family friend." Seif sighed then opened he notes again, "So where did we stop?"

As Seif said, we only had 15 minutes of revision where he explained the remaining graphs and the important notes then did a quick recap before he wrapped it up.

"I think I got the last part more than the ones before." Waliyha chuckled throwing her latte in the bin while Seif called Maha over telling her we were leaving.

"Yeah, you actually can't focus without caffeine." I chuckled at her ignoring Maha as she joined us in our way out of the coffee place.

"Rather can't function." She snickered then looked at Seif, "You know, you don't actually have to walk us to our door step. We won't get lost." Waliyha chuckled.

"Yeah, but I always walk Maggie home, it's our habit." He shrugged smiling and I nodded. I found it easier not to argue with Seif over this whole walk thing as he was a stubborn boy. Plus, I can't deny I do enjoy our walks.

"Okay then," Waliyha looked between Seif and I then continued talking after giving a little shrug herself, "So, what do you want from Milan?"

"Me?" Seif asked confused.

"Yeah. It's the least I could do after you made professor Kitson make an exception for us then actually wasted your day helping us learn those chapters." She replied with a genuine smile.

"I did what anyone should do in my place. It's really nothing." Seif made it look like he didn't actually save us from skipping Milan. If it wasn't for him, I would be crying myself to sleep this whole week.

"C'mon, stop making it look like it was something normal. Kaliq ditched us before we could even say Milan." I chuckled making Seif blush while Waliyha rolled her eyes.

"I will kill him one day, just so you know." Waliyha said making us laugh.

"Chill, he couldn't help if he wanted. He probably didn't even realize we had a quiz." I defended Kaliq knowing how much Waliyha resent him these days.

"Maggie is right." Seif said smiling.

"I always am. And that's why when I say we are getting you a thank you gift, all you can do about it is say thank you and choose what you want." I said confidently making Waliyha chuckle.

"Sassy Maggie." She chuckled making me roll my eyes at her.

"Seriously, a thank you gift? We don't have such things between us." Seif said mostly to me with a kind smile on his face.

"Yeah, that's just the kind of guy Seif is. He is kind and he helps everyone." Maha spoke stressing on the 'everyone' parts making me give her a look.

"Well that's us." Waliyha said once we reached our building.

"Thank you for the walk." I smiled to Seif who just nodded and was about to say something when he got interrupted.

"Maggie." It was Sarah. She called for me from across the street.

"What does she want?" Waliyha rolled her eyes.

Sarah did a little jog crossing the street to reach where we were. Seif looked at her then at me worriedly knowing she was the girl I was telling him about before.

"Hey," Sarah said catching her breath.

"Hello." I forced a polite smile to her.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked her eyes fixed on me ignoring everyone else. She didn't look desperate like last time, she looked determined. Like she had her mind set on something and she was going to get it which worried me a little.

"Didn't we already go through this, Sarah?" Waliyha said trying her best not to cause a scene but she didn't like Sarah one bit and she wasn't going to let me be alone with her.

"Did I talk to you?" Sarah snapped rudely at Waliyha making me widen my eyes. Where was the innocent, desperate Sarah that came to me just a few days ago?

"Do I look like I care? She already told you she wasn't interested in talking to you." Waliyha snapped back. She wasn't like me, she didn't just step back and cower away when someone stepped over me.

"Fuck off. Maggie, I need to talk to you, now." Sarah grabbed my hand as if taking me to go talk to her. My heart jumped at that sudden move of hers and I was frozen in place.

"Hey, obviously she doesn't want to talk to you." Seif interfered once he noticed the panicked look on my face.

"What is it with your little b*tches? Can't you talk for yourself?" Sarah rolled her eyes getting impatient.

Taking my hand back from her, I took a deep breath and gathered all the courage I had in me, "Let me go. I'm done with this conversation."

Walking away, Waliyha was right by my side while Seif stood still waiting for me to safely get to my apartment with Maha standing next to him.

I don't know what had gotten into me back there. I just froze when she became hostile. It actually shocked me how she transferred in just a few nights. I still didn't know what she wanted from me but one thing was sure, with that amount of determination and desperation from her to talk to me it was not going to be good.



Hey there lovely baes. Another late night update. I'm just becoming lazy all in all but I can assure you guys the one thing stopping me from sleeping and keeping me on my laptop at 4 AM in the morning is all your votes and comments.

Looking forward to all you thoughts and opinions on this chapter. What do you think Sarah wants from Maggie?

And all you boos who will hate on seif, I already see you :P

Night beauts, Mwah x


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