18-Replay~ Alexandra Evans

Start from the beginning

Before I could stop it, something pulled at my gut and I jumped at the werewolf. I was soon joined my Snuffles, I couldn't feel anything in my control. Something inside of me fought like an animal, it had total control over my actions. As I put the pieces together I realized what I was, I was what I saw before. The wolf. When the werewolf finally went off and Snuffles headed down to the lake, I went to find Harry and Hermione. Well I found Harry. 

I looked down at the beach and waited for the Patronus' to attack the Dementors. Harry and I realized the truth at the same time. We realized who saved us and how they did it. Our instincts took over. 

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" we yelled together. A stag came from Harry's wand and a wolf came from mine. I bet you're wondering what memory I used. Well, that's a bit of a secret. All I can say is that it was a really happy one. 

"Come on, Harry. We need to get going before Dumbledore comes along," I told him. We both had smiles on our faces like full out idiots, that's how happy we were. Hermione took it the wrong way when we got back though. As much as it seemed awkward, it was also the funniest thing I ever heard. In my life. 

"Why are you two so happy? OH! You two totally kissed!" she shrieked happily. I shook my head quickly with Harry, I had a look of pure horror on my face. Never, would I ever. Not if he was the last person on earth actually. Well maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but you get the point. 

"Hermione. Never in a million years would I kiss Harry. That would just be gross. I just wouldn't be right," I told her. Harry gave me an offended look. It was the oddest look ever though, a very hilarious offended look if you were to ask me. 

"Even though I don't like you, that is still a very offensive thing to say!" Harry claimed angrily. I couldn't hold it in any more. He didn't know! I started laughing my head off, like laughter that would give a hyena a run for it's money. When they gave me weird looks I stood up straight and wiped tears from my eyes. 

"Harry, you're my cousin! Your mom was my aunt. They were twin sisters!" I told him with a smile and small laughs still escaping. Harry and Hermione had looks of shock on their faces that just made me want to laugh more than before. Some people just weren't as use to things changing as others, I had spent my whole life with changes. 

"That's so. . .odd actually. To think that the four of us spend so much time together yet I never knew that," Harry said in a slightly puzzled voice. I shook my head a bit before realizing the time, it was time. 

"Come on, we need to go get Snuffles," I told them with a smile that just wouldn't stay away. Harry and Hermione both smiled and nodded before trying to approach Buckbeak. He screeched right away and they had to back up to avoid getting hit. "Maybe I should be the one to approach him," I suggested off a second thought. They nodded together before I started to walk forwards. 

Did you bring my any more ferrets? a voice asked me. I let out a small smile before shaking my head at Buckbeak. I swear that that hippogriff only ever thought about eating ferrets. He was addicted to them for all I knew. 

Sorry dude, once we free Sirius I'll give you one before you have to go, I promised him. He did a quick shake of his head, a sign for yes, before I climbed aboard his back. Harry and Hermione climbed on afterwards and Buckbeak took to the sky, I could tell that Harry and Hermione were wondering what was up with Buckbeak and I. The feeling of being in the sky was just as great as the feeling I got in water. Amazingly amazing.  

Buckbeak spiraled down to the tower, making the other two complain about being sick, where we got Sirius onto the hippogriff. We flew off to another spot we'd be safe to land, onto one of the Hogwarts towers. Once we landed I threw Buckbeak a ferret and went off to talk with Sirius. I needed to make sure he would do one more thing before he left. 

"Hey Padfoot, could I have a word with you in private?" I asked him. He nodded and we walked over to the edge of the tower. Harry and Hermione seemed to be deep into conversation when we left them on the other side. Sirius gave me a look of worry, his eyes were full of a deeply caring look that I'd only seen with him. No one else cared about me enough to give me that look, ever. 

"What's up Lex?" he asked in a worried voice. I could only hope that my voice wouldn't crack when I told him what I was doing. All I knew was that it wasn't my destiny to stay for what was in the coming year, I knew it wasn't going to be good. 

"I'm going away. Dumbledore said that I'm a part of two powerful groups, I'll be going to find my other half. I don't know how long I'm going to be or when I'm going to get back. I need you to promise me that you'll make sure that Harry is safe," I told him. He seemed shocked by the news but was taking it quite well. As well as you could when your Goddaughter was leaving to go to some unknown place and might not come back. 

"I promise. Now give your Godfather one last hug, just in case," he said with a fake smile, I could tell he was holding tears back. A smile that he was using to hide all the hurt, all the pain of having to let me go away to where ever I was going to go. I put up one too before I let a handful of silent tears fall down my face. Sirius pulled me into a hug while I let out a small laugh at how caring he was being at the moment. 

"I'll find a way to communicate with you. Just don't be alarmed by whatever it is considering I don't know yet. Please keep Harry safe," I told him one last time. He nodded before we went and walked over to Hermione and Harry. Harry and Sirius went off to talk to Harry alone, leaving Hermione and I alone together. 

"What did you talk about with him?" she asked me. I thought about it for a second before decided on what to tell her. Well actually what not to tell her, yet. 

"I'll tell you on the train back. I don't want you freaking out on me before then," I told her. She smiled and shook her head as the boys came back. I could tell they were both finding it hard for Sirius to leave. I was too though. 

"Bye Sirius," the three of us said together. He waved to us before taking off on Buckbeak. We ended up racing back to the hospital wing, catching Dumbledore with seconds to spare. After we had a short chat with him we rushed into the hospital wing to get sorted out. 

That would probably take a long time for me and my hundreds of scratches and hits to the head from Lupin.


Super sorry about forgetting the extra update! I had my computer taken away until Tuesday morning Friday night. Ever since then I've been too busy writing to update. Here the chapter is though! I will be updating again this week, probably tomorrow or Sunday. Stay tuned for that chapter! It's going to be a good one, followed by a few interesting people.

Question of the chapter. . .

If you had to pick one, would you rather be a witch/wizard or a demigod?

Vote if you liked the chapter.

Comment your answers to the question.

Fan me cause it'd be cool.


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