The Part Where Sebastian's Eyes Turned Green

Start from the beginning

"How interesting. Lilith's son, I assume. Oh, a pretty annoying woman she was. Good to know she's dead for the while. My excellent blessings to the one who killed her." Oskino spoke like he was bored, more or less.

"Lilith's soul speaks from inside me, you infernal mongrel." Sebastian addressed him. "On her absence, I command Edom and all those who reside in the land."

"You, infernal mongrel! I was born to Greater Demons - to creatures who once lived a glorious life in heaven under Raziel. I was meant to be an Angel, if not for the shame my ancestors brought upon Heaven. You were born to infernal characters – Valentine Morgenstern and Lilith. The oddest combination of parents, I must say. And you call me infernal, Jonathan! What irony!"

"My mother is technically Jocelyn Morgenstern." Sebastian corrected pointedly.

"You cant have 2 mothers, trust me. One always takes upon the other at some point of time."

"Enough." Sebastian snapped. "As the replacement for the ruler of Edom, I command you to begone from the hellish lands. Find yourself at home someplace else, but not here – and not anywhere near Leah Ravenscar."

"Ravenscar. Do you even know her true last name? Fancy always calling her your sister." Oskino laughed.

"She is Leah Ravenscar to everyone in the world, and so she is Leah Ravenscar to me. Now, cease your laughter. You have been exiled, Oskino. Edom is no more a place for your habitation. Out of my palace!"

"Believe me, I am not dying to stay inside your damned fortress." Oskino brushed him off dryly. "And you seemed to forget at times, Jonathan Morgenstern. I am a Greater Demon – in fact, more than that. I am an Angel. Your blood doesn't command my blood. You haven't exiled me – no, no, don't even think about that; you have only angered me." He spoke the last part with huge emphasis.

"You are not an Angel." Sebastian laughed. "And besides, whatever you are, I command you all. I have exiled you from my dimension. It isn't worth denial, and therefore you should get out of here."

"Your dimension, I heard." Oskino piped sarcastically. "Lets see, perhaps, what you do about the wildfire in your dimension, Lilith's son."

With a flick of his fingers, Oskino made one of the windows in the Court shatter into a thousand glass shards. The demon whirled his fingers and a gust of heavenly fire entered the room, engulfing Sebastian into flames.

Then, the invincible, indestructible Sebastian Morgenstern didn't have enough sexy warrior moves to think of. No sword fighting, chakram-swirling, whipping, bow and arrow or seraph blade would destroy the bitch of heat and flames that was after him.

He screamed like a pathetic child as the flames consumed him in and out, and Oskino couldn't care less about the dying boy. "One more job left." He muttered, and with another effortless flick of his finger, he ruptured the Malachi Configuration Jace had been trapped inside.

Clary immediately ran up to him and runed him adequately to undo his paralysis. When Jace could move rightly again, he immediately got off the floor, kissed Clary and then went to watch the scene that had taken place, rather annoyed that he had to miss the interesting events that had taken place in the Court.

Meanwhile, lying on the floor, writhing in agony, while the heavenly fire ate away all that was evil in him, Sebastian's eyes turned green. "Mother . . . ." he called out. "Clarissa. . . . Leah . . . ."

Clary recoiled from his pained figure on the floor, and Jocelyn hesitated too, seeing the emerald green eyes. Leah however, crawled up to Sebastian, and cupped his face in her hands.

"Leah . . . ." he said. "You must be so glad that I am finally dying. Now you don't have to put up complicated pretenses, make deals with demons or get trained by warlocks anymore. You . . . .you always hated me so much more than everybody else. And I only wanted to say that I am – I am so sorry. I . . . .wish I could undo some things, but . . ."

"You weren't yourself." Leah replied. "I never hated you. Its my way of showing how much I missed the Jonathan Morgenstern you would've been if Valentine had not contaminated your blood. Nobody saw you for what you were meant to be by nature. Everybody saw and judged you by the person Valentine made of you. I . . . .by default, I saw the other Jonathan. That's why I couldn't bear your sight – your personality.

"I only wish you don't go remembered as the greatest Evil the shadowhunters have ever faced. I wish your death doesn't go remembered an event to be celebrated. I wish your entire existence was not a reminder to people about how much they have suffered. I wish they remembered you with pity and sadness instead. I wish that when people thought about you, they would think about the person you would've been instead, and not the person you were forced to be. I . . . I wish the real you existed . . ." Leah started crying in ragged breaths.

Jocelyn came closer to her son and even Clary kneeled down before Sebastian. "I wish that too. I wish I had another chance – to show just how good I could be. But I don't, and all I can do now is thank you for putting an end to him. I am sorry for all that I have done. I . . . I really am. Clary? Will you now, after seeing me like this, love me? Will you . . . . do you forgive me?"

"I do." Clary whispered.

"Mother . . . . mother." And as Jocelyn took him into her arms and started sobbing, sebastian's confessions got muffled. "I am sorry, Jace. I am so sorry about what I did with and to your sisters."

"Sisters?" Jace questioned.

"Your angel sister, Clary, and your ancestral sister, Leah." He replied with a smile. "You didn't know that, did you?"

Alec, Isabelle and Simon – not knowing what to do throughout this awkward sentimental session – decided to find ways to destroy the Infernal Cup. "I am sorry, to you three too." Sebastian called, and isabelle flinched. "I am sorry I killed Max . . . . and Jordan. If I end up where they are after I die, I will do all to keep them happy – to make up for what I have done, even though it would never make up for what I have done."

A tear trickled down isabelle's cheek. "Don't apologise to me." She muttered through gritted teeth.

The Infernal Cup was destroyed; all the Endarkened warriors got automatically killed; the city was still burning in heavenly fire; Sebastian was dead, and Clary and Jocelyn were crying on his chest. Magnus and Alec had shared a kiss, and Oskino still remained in the court.

"I killed one great evil for you and saved your city from destruction and bloodbath. I have also taken my end of the barter. Now you Nephilim may find some way back home, unless you want to be killed in the burning city; your journey back to Idris lies onto Magnus Bane" Oskino said quietly.

"What was the end of the barter?" Simon questioned, but before anything Jace gasped.

Everyone looked at him, and he was staring at the ground some feet away, looking like he had seen a ghost. "Leah. The end of the barter was Leah."

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