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It's MEEEE... And I hope you don't mind me doing this. This is a combined request from mangle_darlingxcx and otakufreego02. You both wanted Takimaru! I don't blame ya, I love him too. One more thing...I didn't know I could make a oneshot this long. Just giving you a heads up. Anyway, ENJOY!!!

Being the new girl in a new school is...kinda scary. Especially if you don't know anyone there to begin with. Your just the stranger in a giant crowd. And today, that girl is...me. 

"(sigh) All right Gourmet High, let's get this over with." [Nice name for a school, huh reader?] I walk through the front two doors and immediately, without even taking so much as five steps, all eyes in the hall are on me. I looked down and kept walking, trying not to meet anyone's gaze. I start to here whispers coming from all around me, so I started walking faster. Not a second later, sadly, I tripped. I fell forward and hit the floor, thank goodness it wasn't a face plant. I pushed myself up with my hands and looked back to see what I tripped over. 

A leg, I tripped over someone's leg. I looked up to see who's leg it was, and the first this I say was pink short hair. "Haha! Welcome to high school newb." Then, the first bell rang signaling the time for everyone's first class. While I was picking up the folders I dropped, all the people in the hall passed by me. 

I was steadily picking up my things, and as soon as I knew it, everyone was gone in a flash. Well...almost everyone. 

"Hey, are you alright." I brought my gaze up from the ground and saw an outstretched hand. I looked the hand in mine, and the person helped me up. 

"Um...yeah. T-thank you." I looked to see the one who helped me. A...cute guy actually. With dark blue hair and eyes. Well...eye, because part of his hair as covering his left eye. And...an orange hat [the website says turban though, but what ever] with a blue present. Cute.

"Are you sure you're okay? Tommyrod can be a real jerk." 

"Ah, yes. I'm fine really."

"Good. Oh! Let me help you." He bent down and grabbed my remaining folders on the floor. 

"It's okay! And besides shouldn't you get to your class?"

"Well, it looks like you're kinda new. And you kinda might need some help."

He handed me the rest of my folders, "You got me. Looks like I kinda do need help."

"See? Now what's your first class?" I took out my schedule from one of my folders and gave it to him. He looked it over for a bit and, "Oh, this is great! We have three classes together in a row. So all you have to do is follow me."

"M-kay!" We walked down the hall a bit and came in front of a door that had...math equations written on it? Cool. 

But right before he opened the door, "Snap, I forgot!" He turned towards me and said with a smile, "My name is Takimaru."

And I smiled right back, "My name is (Y/N)."

~Time Skip~

Takimaru has a lot of friends, popular ones too. And our first too classes went by quick, so before long it was lunch time. And Takimaru's friends sat with us, so I officially met them. 

I never really liked school lunches so I brought my own. And was soon as I opened my lunch bag, the guy Toriko was staring right at it. "Ooooh! Are those rainbow fruit slices? And is that drink Soda Watermelon. (GASP) And you have Marbled Tuna too!?"

"Actually it's Mermaituna. It's easy to get them confused at times. Both fish have the shiney-colorful-look to it, and they're both quite difficult to cook. But the Mermaituna has the multi-colored tint to it's meat while the Marbled Tuna has a pink tint. And Marbled Tuna is native in Seas near World Connect, but Mermaituna's region is yet to fully be discovered." As I finish I look up at everyone's faces, only to find surprised looks. "W-what? Was it something I said?"

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