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Okay remember when I said I'm going to be doing the seven minutes in heaven as fast as I can. Well...I hope u understand. I have school work, especially Literature which is driving me hella-crazy. Cuz for some reason, my teacher said that she can't read my hand writing. WHAAAAAT! I promise you, she is out to get me. My assignment is to make a story. But it has to have a character who has 3 element of a tragic hero. It's okay if you don't know what I mean, just know she is so frustrating, and so is this assignment. GRRR! I almost went off on her. I was THIS close, UGH! Sorry I just had to rant for a sec. But anyway, y'all, just know...

I love you all! THNX for the comments, votes, and reads, and...and... I LOVE YOU ALL! And I shall do my best to get you these stories! Thank You, Gracias, Arigatou Gozaimasu, etc.!  BYE!

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