"We are going to visit a family member abroad and we already booked tickets and hotels and everything." Waliyha was the one to speak now.

  "And you want me to give you the marks without taking the actual quiz?" The professor asked with disapproval in his tune. I knew this wasn't going to work.

  "I know Mr. Metwally well. He is my top student and I doubt that this is his intention." Professor Willams interrupted Professor Kitson. And for the first time ever, I was thankful to have Professor Willams here.

  "Of course not sir. We were just wondering if they can take the quiz another time. Maybe on Wednesday, with the other lecture?" Seif tried to come up with a fast solution.

  "I don't know. I haven't put the quiz yet." Professor Kitson said taking the moment to torture us a bit more. 

  "I don't think after 30 years of teaching this subject you would have a problem making up a quiz in a matter of seconds, Aron." Professor Willams snickered.

  "Of course not, Chris." Professor Kitson joked back, a hint of arrogance evident in his voice. "Fine then, come 15 minutes earlier than the lecture to take your quiz. But know that this isn't some granted kindness, any mistake you make would be marked for double. So study well."

  Waliyha's eyes widened looking at me. The subject wasn't that easy that we could guarantee not making mistakes.

  "Thank you sir." Seif replied with a kind smile then he smiled at professor Willams before he told us to go outside.

  Once we were out of the building and we were sure no one could hear us, Waliyha yelled at Seif, "Are you crazy? Why did you agree on making any mistake doubled in the quiz? I might as well skip it 'cause I'm going to get a big zero if not a negative mark."

  "Yeah Seif, economics isn't my strong subject. I'm sure to make more than a few mistakes." I said worriedly.

  "Don't worry about it. I have good notes, I could tutor you." Seif said with a confident smile to make me relax. And I did, because I trust Seif. He was at studying and he was a good teacher. I got A's on my midterm because of your help so I was sure this quiz was nothing for him.

  "Well, I need help as well. You know, I am going to Milan with her." Waliyha said as if reminding Seif that she was here, which I found silly because obviously he meant both of us.

  "Yeah, of course." Seif smiled awkwardly at Waliyha while she just gave him a smirked smile back.

  This is definitely weird.


  This week was supposed to be all about Milan but this quiz thing was taking up my mind. We were supposed to meet Seif tomorrow for the study session so I decided to do a little catch up on the subject before we met.

  One thing I learned from my 'study dates' with Seif, as Zayn used to call them, was that coming prepared always made us cover every point and finish faster. It just made things easier. But this subject seemed like it didn't agree to that concept.

  Two hours I spent trying to get even a brief on the chapters included in the quiz but I just didn't seem to understand how those economic theories worked. Or what those graphs represented. It seemed like a puzzle to me, one which I could not solve.

  Hearing a buzz on my phone, I tossed my notes away deciding I should take a break and grabbed my phone. It was a message from Zayn;

  'How is my favorite distraction?😌'

  Smiling on my screen like silly girl with a crush, I typed in my reply. Zayn always seemed to have that effect on me when we were texting.

  'Not so well 😔 Got a major quiz on Wednesday and I'm stuck studying.😭 '

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now