The Toothbrush Fic/ Twenty Twø days

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It's been Twenty Twø pil- days since the promise of an update. I Danisnotontop am here to give you a really shitty one. See ya at the end.

Dan and Phil walked into the Hotel room, tired from the tour they finished.
"I'm bloody tired, mate." Dan said with a yawn. He flopped on the bed, his phone in his hand. "Come to bed Phillip!"
"Hold on!" Phil said, turning his electric toothbrush on. Dan made a strange noise then slipped out of his clothes and covered up. He fell asleep before putting his phone to sleep.

Phil walked out after brushing his teeth and undressed. He seen Dan's phone and decided it might be best to plug it up so Dan isn't a bitch in the morning.
"Bloody hell..." Phil whispered covering his mouth and reading the conversation between Dan and Pj. He started crying, throwing the phone on the bed. Dan was cheating. He knew it was to good to be true, somebody as perfect as Dan. He slowed down one the crying after about ten minutes and thought of revenge.

*Smol time skip*

Dan was hit in the face with a very hard rectangular object. He tried to yell but was muffled.
"Like your duck tape?" Phil asked.
"Shhh Danny, we don't want you waking the neighbors. How did that Bible feel?" Phil was now dressed whilst Dan was nude and his hands, feet, and mouth was taped up.
"I have a surprise for you Danny boy. I wonder if Pj will want a video." Phil smirked ad he walked to the bathroom. He knew exactly what to do.

*Another smol time skip*

Phil sat Dan up.
"You forgot to brush Danny boy." Dan could hear the squirt the toothpaste made.
"All over toothbrush"
There was a sharp pain in Dan's anus. Dan screamed. Phil turned on the toothbrush cutting Dan's inside. Phil smirked as a bit of blood came out. Pushing it further in Dan felt extreme pain. The mint toothpaste didn't help. Dan was now crying hysterically. Phil yanked the the brush out.
"Time for mouth wash!" Phil moved Dan in a upright position so the mouth wash wouldn't all drain out.
"I went to the Hardware store. I got a funnel and duct tape. Fun!" Phil shoved the funnel into Dan, stretching his hole.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmph mphn!" Dan screamed, still muffled by the tape. The pain of the mouth wash was unbelievable. The cuts were filled with pain. Dan stopped crying, mainly because he had no tears to shed. After the bottle was empty Phil removed the funnel and but tape over Dan's hole. He undressed and layed beside Dan comforting him as the two drifted off to sleep (Phil obviously got more sleep than Dan)

Voilà it is done. Also I must comment on 25000 reads! I know I'm pretty new but that's FUCKING ALPACAMAZING THANK YOU GUYS/GIRLS/TRANSGENDER/ GENDER FLUID/ VEGAN FEMANAZI PEOPLE WHO DON'T IDENTIFY AS A GENDER!! ~Danisnotontop

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