RP #2 W/ Mrs.Turnerbuscus

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This is a conversation between Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell and yourself, Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au).

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): *I sat under a tree, trying to avoid everyone. I had my hood up and my head down, hiding the several bruises on my face along with the busted lip and split eyebrow.*

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: *i run out of the school being chased, running into the tree youre at, falling backwards towards you*

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): *I stand up and

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): *grab you before you fall completely,afraid of you hurting yourself*

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: *i smile, everything dizzy for me but i can make out it you despite the busted lip and split eyebrow* H-hey Babe

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): Hey...why were you running?

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: b-bullies

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): Are you okay? They didn't hurt you did they? I swear I'll go find them...

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: I-i'm okay, they only got a punch to my jaw that's it but i'm fine

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): *nods and helps you sit down,sitting next to you* I'm glad your okay bear.. I'd probably kill someone if you were hurt...

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: *smiles and leans my head on your shoulder* with what muscles lion?

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): Excuse you...If I'm mad enough I can be a lot stronger than I look...

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: you can?

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): I can be...sometimes I'm not..

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: *kisses your cheek* thank you for catching me

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): No problem bear...*hopes you don't ask about my face* I'd do anything to keep you from being hurt..

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: i wish i could take the hits for you *runs my fingers gently over the cuts on your face*

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): W-What?

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: lion when are you going to stop them

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): What do you mean? *looks genuinely confused*

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: your parents lion

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): O-Oh...*bites my lip, quickly regretting it and wincing* I...I tried.

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: *sighs* youre almost of age

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): Almost but until then I'm stuck with them...but I have no money so I wont have anywhere to go...

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: you have me

Teen! Phil Lester (Abused by Parents) (hs au): Would you really want /me/ to stay with you? Dan, I'm nothing but a temperamental mess...

Teen!Pastel!Dating Phil!Dan Howell: yes i do, You may seem like that to you but not to me. also youre my boyfriend i have been dating for 4 years now

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