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Instead of writing a really long imagine, i'm going to be doing multiple semi long ones beause I feel like complete and utter crap today. I really hope you guys like this imagine, I just decided to write this because i'm currently obsessed about Pj, I mean have you guys heared his voice? His voice is so deep and calming (just like Cryoatic I mean dayum his voice tho) This might get dirty but i'm not to sure seeing as I literally just make everything up as I go because I'm too lazy to plan everything out. ~Mrs.Turnerbuscus


It's Prom night and you were going with your boyfriend of 4 months but he dumped you when you got there and left you in the back of the room crying until your best friend Pj shows up and makes you complete forget about your ex.

*Your POV*

Well isn't this fucking perfect? I have been waiting my entire life for this day and what happens? My now ex boyfriend dumps me the second we get inside and runs off with some plastic with a face and leaves me alone and of course none of the few friends I have are even here. Why am I not allowed to be happy on this one night?!

I was alone.... Everyone was out on the dance floor or talking to friends but here I was... In the back of the room, crying in some corner. Never have I ever regretted going somewhere so much in my life. I stood up and started walking to the door, my head down in shame. Something hard hit me in the head causing me and the object to fall to the ground.

I looked up saw the most amazing green eyes that belong to my best friend, PJ Ligouri.

"S-Sorry Peej, I didn't mean to run into you, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." It was so hard not to cry while talking but I didn't want to worry him. He stood up and held his hand out for me to take so he could pull me up.

"Hey, hey, hey it's okay, I should have worn a helmet or something-" he chuckled quietly "So where's your boyfriend at?"

Should I tell him the truth? He is my best friend..... Alright I will tell him the truth, lying isn't exactly something I'm good at anyway.

"Uhm....he broke up with me when we got here. H-He's here with some blonde girl. I was just about to leave, I don't exactly want to be here alone, without a date..." With that I started to cry again and PJ just pulled me into a hug.

"Shhh, it's okay. You'll be okay, if we weren't in a room full of witnesses I would beat his ass for you. What he did was wrong. Hey! I have an idea!"

I looked back up at him, wiping my eyes.

"I can be your date for the night,that is, if you want. I know how excited you've been for this day, I just want you to have fun." Aww PJ is so sweet!

"O-okay, thank you Peej, it really means a lot to me."

He took my hand and led me over to a little couch they put out for the night before walking away to go get us some punch. This is honestly one of the best things that could happen to me because I secretly have a huge crush on PJ but of course I would never tell him.

I was cut from my thoughts by someone sitting down next to me who I could immediately tell was PJ. He handed me my drink and we began talking about random adventures we have had in our minds. My favorite song came on and I felt myself being pulled up.

"C'mon, we aren't going to sit the entire time, let's go dance!" PJ said excitedly.
"What if I don't want to dan-" he cut me off " Too bad, we're doing it anyway! "

He practically dragged me to the dance floor but I would have followed him anyway. His arms wrapped around my waist and mine went around his neck. I looked up at him and we made eye contact. For some reason I feel... Different when I'm with PJ, I feel... Loved. When I'm with PJ I feel like a giddy school girl who just discovered her first crush. One of his hands went up and gently brushed against my cheek.

" Y/N, you are absolutely beautiful and he was too stupid to realize how perfect you are. I would never do something as stupid as he did. I really like you and I know that it's way too soon but whenever you are ready for a relationship I want it to be with me so badly but I can understand if you don't feel the same." PJ was calm when he talked, he never broke eye contact with me and I could tell he was being honest.

There was no way that I could form words so instead, I brushed my lips against his, trying to make sure that it was okay. I felt his lips press softly against mine and I didn't feel sparks. No I felt something much better than sparks. I felt a warm, tingling sensation burst through my body. It made me weak at the knees. Our kiss was starting to get heated so we decided to go back to his place.

* I'm too lazy to write anymore so I'm just gonna let you guys imagine the rest on your own *

So there ya are, we have a few left over requests to do but after we finish those we are no longer doing requests (unless we really like it and its boyxboy) ILY GUYS!!! ~Mrs.Turnerbuscus

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