Chapter 17: Royal Announcement

Start from the beginning

"I never thought I was," I said before turning around to leave. I didn't want to stay there any longer, but I had to know.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this," I asked quietly.

She was silent for the first few seconds before finally answering.

"I want you to find out the hard way; about having his baby. Besides, I know your family situation. I don't like you, but that doesn't mean I want you to die out there. I don't hate you, Folashadé," she explained, keeping her gaze glued to the tiled floors.

I didn't know what to say. Was this supposed to be a form of an apology? I don't know. It's clear that we don't like one another, but damn, this is very awkward for me.

I turned around again, this time making my way down the hall and toward my room.


It was dinner time by now and the Royal family was having a few guests tonight; guests as in the Callahan's, Lady Melanie's family. There were Melanie's two brothers, four sisters, eight cousins, and six aunts and uncles. In addition to the whole Callahan Family, there were Vincent's distant relatives; his cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.

Vincent and Melanie were sitting next to one another, as always, but it seemed as if something today.

Usually, Melanie tended to set all her attention upon Vincent by offering to feed him and have little inside jokes. But, today, they were both tense. They never looked in the others direction.

I furrowed my eyebrows as to why I was even thinking so hard about the complication in their relationship. It shouldn't worry me whatsoever. I'm already pregnant with that lying bastard's children, I don't need him in my life much more than being his family's employee.

Suddenly, I felt an eerie feeling that someone was just staring at me. I scanned my eyes across the perimeter of the dining hall searching for the observer.

My eyes connected with a pair of deep brown orbs. The man was definitely much older; his gray hairs and slight indication of crow feet told me so. He might've been very handsome as a younger man, but that wasn't the case. The way he looked at me sent chills down my spine, but that wasn't what bothered me. It was the fact that he didn't look away when I caught him, as if he wants me to know he's watching.

When I heard someone clear their throat my eyes broke away from his, attempting to find the throat-clearing source. It was none other than the infamous Vincent. His head switched between me and the older man, as if he and I were having a secret with our eyes. Clearly, we weren't.

"Is there something wrong with your head," Melanie asked irritably.

Vincent turned his head to look at her and slit his eyes. He said something quietly to her that I couldn't quite catch. Whatever he said, it must've been bad because when he turned to look at his food, Melanie looked at him in astonishment.

I stared at her for a good minute as her perfectly round face gradually reddened. She slammed her fist on the dining table, catching everyone's attention. She stood up hastily and began to speak.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," she said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Vincent's entire face paled, leading me to believe that whatever she has to say isn't in his favor.

" all know that Vinny and I are getting married soon," she continued. Her minor pause was creating more of an anticipation for the other guests. I could feel it.

"Not only that, but we're also having a new addition to our little family," she finished by rubbing her stomach affectionately.

For some reason, I felt my heart stop and nearly jump out of my throat. My blood circulation stopped and I felt hallow, empty inside. Tears were beginning to stab at my tear ducts, I felt like my resistance to release these worthless tears couldn't hang on any longer.

I'm Having a Royal Baby {ORIGINAL VERSION; BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now