BTS New Profile (2016)

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Name: BTS

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Name: BTS

Notes: Idiots  

Members: Jimin, V, Jungkook, Rapmon, Suga, Seokjin, Hoseok

Notes: Idiots  

2015/2016 BTS assessment:

J-Hope: (He drew 19 stars)

Min Suga: We still have a long way to go

Jin: The start of the most beautiful time in our lives

Rapmon: We worked hard. Let's keep working hard.

V: I'm really happy to be here like this in a group like BTS

Jungkook: Should've have worked harder....

Jimin: I think we worked harder than anyone else for each other and for BTS. Cool guys.

2016/2017 BTS goals:

J-Hope: Get daesang.

Min Suga: I want to win daesang.

Jin: To film three food CFs.

Rap Monster: To become a really cool team.

V: To become a group that's respected.

Jungkook: Do better.

Jimin: Let's become a team that's loved by more people and loved more ourselves.


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