help me

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*Chris' POV*

I knocked on Zoelle's door, "go away" she sniffed

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I knocked on Zoelle's door, "go away" she sniffed. I knocked on her door again. I heard her loudly scream.

I went inside, she looked at me with eyes that had hate. "Hey, I just want to say what you're doing is totally uncalled for, you're being selfish. All the things your mother did for you, now it's hard for you to do this for her " I told her

She scoffed, "MY mother had me and raised me with no man in our lives. It was always me and her! Me, her, LoLo and TT Sham. NO MEN. I know she was devastated, but she mended her broken heart, then YOU come along. You made her fall in love, while you got a whole girlfriend. Then come to find out you made a bet on her! While she was crying, I was there, not you. While she cursed ever falling in love, I was there. I brought her tissues, watched chick flicks with her, ate ice cream with her. YOU did nothing! Now she wants me to stay with you!? No!" She ranted

"Look i know you hate me. I can't change that, and I know it's my fault. But this isn't about me, this is about your mother. She's given a huge ass opportunity and you wanna say no to that? Come on, don't do her like that." I pleaded. Noelle deserves this shit. Zoelle can't ruin it for her.

"I'm only agreeing because she really deserves it" she rolled her eyes. I sighed in relief.

This finna be a long ass time.

*next day*
*Lourdes' POV*

*next day**Lourdes' POV*

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I went with Ms. Toya & Reginae to visit her venue while the camera crew was shooting. "You see that big trash?" I whispered to Nae.

"Ma? What's that big trash thing doing here" Nae asked loudly so the camera crew could also hear her.

"Maybe it's trash day, baby." Ms. Toya joked. We all laughed a bit,

"Trash day?!" Nae laughed. We went inside the building, instantly my face scrunched up. Let me not judge before I've even seen the place. The events planner greeted us, while Nae was talking to them, I looked disgusted by the place, its smelt old

We walked further making the wooden floor have crack sounds. This place is going to need a miracle to look like a party place.


"... So that's how I agreed." Zoelle explained as we Facetime'd. I told her about my day, then she told me she was staying to Chris. Her mom was leaving for Japan.

"Ain't Chris got a tour next week?" I asked her, she looked surprised.

"You mean to tell me. This nigga got a whole tour!? He wants to go around countries with me?! Hell no! No. Lemme go ask mama." She ranted getting up,  I held in my laughter. An angry Zoelle is a funny Zoelle. "I'on even like the dude. What if he tryna get me killed? Damn."

After she said that, I couldn't hold it any longer. I was laughing my ass off. Why the fuck would Chris want to kill her? "Mom! Why didn't you tell Me Chris has a tour? I could just stay a TT's house" Zoelle pouted.

"I want you and Chris to bond. I love both of y'all. And I really want y'all to work things out in this month. Please baby." I heard TT say. "Lourdes talk to your friend."

"How you know this Lourdes?" Zoelle laughed. That's so obvious we're each others besties

"Because you don't have other friends. And you don't have a boyfriend. So!? Need I say more?" TT laughed. Zoelle chuckled.

"I only fuck with little people!" Zoelle's grinned. "Ouch!" Zoelle screamed as tt smacked her head.

"Stop all that cursing! It's unladylike" she scolded. I love it when TT smacks Zoelle. As a best friend it's always funny when your best friend gets smacked by their parents "now help me pack."


"So August is gonna be going on tour. It'll be me and you. How's the Reginae party planning going ?" My mom smiled. I sat on the kitchen counter while I told her how my day went. I actually missed our one on ones.

*Chris POV*

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you

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"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..." I was cut off

"She gets it, you love her." Zoelle groaned rubbing her temples. "Mommy can you get away from, wannabe gangster and hug me your daughter?"

This is rugrat! Noelle chuckled hugging her. "I'ma miss my lil baby. Be good. Chris take care of my baby please. She's the only one I have. Zoelle take care of Chris, he's the one for me. I love y'all both, okay?" She smiled

"I love you too baby." I kissed her one more time. "Better come back safe. Text me when you get there. Be careful"

"Chris, there won't be any accidents , it's a plane." Noelle chuckled.

"Still. There weather might change." I stated. She laughed at me, while Zoelle looked at me like I was the dumbest person on earth.

"Your head is so big for you to have such a small brain." She shook her head.

Noelle smacked her on her head. "I said be nice, I'm gonna miss my, flight. Bye my angels." Noelle quickly rushed away.

Damn, I'm stuck with Zoelle now. Zoelle frowned while going go sit in the car, the paps were going crazy. Some people must've notified them we were here. Damn.  We quickly rushed in the car. "You hungry? We could order pizza" I asked her

She shook her head. "Just take me home." She demanded. I'ma need prayers to survive this month.

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