we got that beef.

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*Lourdes' POV*
[next day]

I chuckled as Zoe woke me up, "go away" I whined, "food is ready foo" she said, I woke up

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I chuckled as Zoe woke me up, "go away" I whined, "food is ready foo" she said, I woke up. I'm hungry as hell. Getting in the bathroom, I shouted, "choose my outfit pootie"

"Eww never call me that again." She laughed. After my shower, I heard my phone go off, someone wanted to facetime, it was daddy, "daddy O" I greeted. "Hello princess. You good?" He asked, "better. My day is starting off good, yours?" I asked, also examining Zoelle's choice of my outfit.

"Great, I'm hosting a party , you coming?" He asked. "Yess! But I gotta ask mommy first. Can I bring people?" I smiled, "yes babygirl" he chuckled, I chuckled because he was close to the camera. "Daddy why you so close to the camera. You look like an old man" I laughed, Zoe joined in and so did he. "This is how Gs do it baby" he said, I laughed so hard, I had tears in my eyes. "Daddy I can't with you" I said wiping my tears. "Babygirl ... I gotta go, see ya at the party... I Love you" he said looking back, at whoever was there, "i love you too" I said. We both hung up.

"Have you talked to TT NeNe?" Zoe frowned, "yeah, I talk to her almost everyday , why?" I asked looking at her. "She's ignoring my calls, and texts" she played with her fingers. "Ohh you think its a fallout again?" I asked

You see.. my mom, TT Noe & TT NeNe love to have fallouts. But mostly my mom & TT NeNe then they involve TT Noe. Automatically TT Noe chooses my mom's side. And I think that's why she's ignoring Zoe's texts & calls.

"Let's call her" I said taking my phone . "hey, neice"she greeted, I put her on speaker. "Hey TT.. So I was talking to Zoe and she tells me yo ignoring her..." I sighed, "...and she's really bumped about it." I said, "Aww I ain mean any harm. I just got into it with her mom, And I just wanted nothing to do with Noelle or anything that's hers" she said

"But your my TT at the end of the day. Whatever you and my mom go through , that's y'all business. Our relationship shouldn't be affected because of that. You been in my life since forever. When you & her fallout, don't punish me for it." Zoelle preached. I nodded.

TT NeNe sighed, "I hear you. How about we hang out today" she chuckled, "well daddy is having a party, soooo..." I chuckled, "okay. Text me yo address, and then we'll go there together." She laughed,

[Noelle's POV]

I laughed as Shamra was trying to juggle eggs

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I laughed as Shamra was trying to juggle eggs. And she failed. "Bitch you can't be laughing at my ass, when you can't do this shit too." She smirked, "but I ain try it tho" I laughed hard. "Whatever hoe." She rolled her eyes.

I chuckled, the girls came downstairs. "Y'all look nice" Shamra complimented. "Dad is having a party. Y'all invited. Anddddd TT NeNe is coming!" Lourdes smiled. I scrunched my face.

"Why you doin that face, ma?" Zoe looked at me. "I ain got time for thristy ass hoes. Who don't like the opinion they ask for." I shrugged. "What happened?" Zoe sighed, "none of y'all business. Stay in y'all lane" Shamra said, "now eat." I said.

NeNe is my friend , but Sham is my sister. Now lemme tell y'all what happened. We hadn't see NeNe for weeks, so as normal friends we ask what's up. Now that dumb hoe tells us she's staying with her ex, they back to together, and she's in atl . me being me, I cussed her ass out.

For 1 wasn't she with scooter?
2. That nigga broke yo heart, now you taking his ass back? Then you talk about love like he ain break yo heart. Love don't hurt.

"Life is too short mama. Don't lose friends because of petty stuff" zoelle looked at me. I sighed, "stay in yo place" I scolded her.

Why do I even bother, that girl is exactly like me. She gon have an opinion regardless, and I raised her to voice her opinion

"When is NeNe coming?" Shamra asked, "I texted her, and about an hour from now, because she is in LA in the moment" Lo said finishing her food.

Shamra looked at me sternly. But I ain playing, let a bitch say sum, and I'll renovate her face.

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