
35 4 5

My breathing quickened, my hands clenched, my eyes dilated, my heart pounded, and sweat dripped off of me.

A fight between the two, the demon and the Angel, will stop until they finally kill each other.

Time finally got into motion. I knew what I had to do.

I sprinted as fast as I could towards the taunting demon dancing around Robin with a sinister look on hand. She didn't see me coming as I collided with her and crashed her into the ground. She grunted as I wrestled with her.

Then my wings unfolded and this once I saw little sparkles of golden flecks on them. Standing out more on the jet black feathers. They reflected the light of the sun causing  beams of light to cast on the ground. Then I saw my feet lift off the ground. My wings were creating subtle breezes.

My eyes found Robin's during the lift off. Her eyes reflected confusion, fear, and worry. She deliberately watched as I flew up with the fabric of Leena's clothing in my hand.

She scrambled around but then I felt this intense heat on my wrist and saw Leena's fingers glowing a red luminous shade.

I let her go as the pain distracted me but then I felt a weight on my wing I turned a saw a hole with a black ring around it. She burnt my feathers off. I thought and I barely could support myself as I spiraled down the sky with my one wing in condition that could barely keep me up. I looked down and saw Lilith hit the ground and she stayed unmoving. Next thing I know the ground is only but a mere few yards away.

I instinctively flap my wings vigorously to make my landing impact not as painful.

Then I hit the ground.




I never thought my panic attacks could grow worse. But I was extremely wrong. It was as if my breaths were submarines that couldn't reach the deepest of depths in the seas. In this case, the deep seas were my lungs.

But my breathing in all stopped as I saw Ethan fall from the sky. I didn't know what do to as I scrambled to my feet. My eyes then set on Tony who stared at the flailing body in awe.

"TONY HELP HIM!" I yelled.

He snapped his head over to me and my yell brought him back to reality as he rushed over to Ethan's supposedly landing spot but he was too late.

I felt my body tremor as I rushed over to him. Tony had reached him already.

As I staggered over there and my eyes watered.

A long stick had impaled him. It poked out around the center of his abdomen. Red seeped out onto Ethan's shirt and on to my hands as I applied pressure on the wound. Tony had already stood up retreating back. But I saw Ethan's eyes, they were fighting.

"Robin, you and I both know that I won't make it." He croaked.

"No, you're going to be alive and healthy as usual, you're going to get better." I said not sure if I was reassuring myself or him.

"Don't set yourself up Robin." He said again. But then his eyes widened. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE." He yelled.

My heart was ripping itself into pieces. The nearest police station was miles away, I had no phone on me. I was abandoned in a secluded forest.
I took life for granted. My eyes bore into Ethan's.

"Robin p-please, I don't want to die, please." He whispered.

"I understand." I assured him.

"No Robin, I love you a-and I'm never going to be with you." He whispered.

My heart stopped. He loves me.

"I lov-" but I stopped.

I looked into Ethan's eyes. They stared up into the sky, they didn't blink.

He's dead. Ethan, my best friend, my neighbor, my backbone, is dead.



Her eyes had touch of boredom and twinkled with mystery. Her eyelids were a nearly tight blankets as they slid over her deep brown irises. Her vibrant brown skin was shielded with kinky tight curls that cascaded down to the middle of her shoulders. Her thick thighs shifted and chaffed each other as she switched over her legs every minute or so.

I got lost at the simplicity of her actions.

And I was going to miss her simplicities.

I love you Robin.

[scenes may have been dramatized]

Okay okay, writing this almost made me cry );. So yes this is the end, the FINAL END. I hope you guys genuinely enjoyed this story. And I hope I made the moral clear enough.

G R A N T E D!!!

If you really liked this story I have a sequel to it coming later today or tomorrow. The title is The Words.

Stay gold🤘🏼✨✨✨ (and figure out "the dramatized scene yourselves (:" )

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