Lesbi-honest here (chp5)

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This is Leena
Song:Gods and Monsters - Lana Del Ray
The minute Robin and Tony left me I realized I almost missed my entire second period. At least I got to see her.

It warmed my cold heart. Melting the icy exterior. I sighed contently and hurried to the boy's bathroom to skip the rest of the period there. I entered. "Well, well, hello Ethan", Leena greeted me. I sighed. "What do you want, you already saw me today". I told her. "Well I have to do hourly checkups", she stated. I groaned. "Well you can't stay here, it's the men's room", "Hun, there are no men here. Just boys with beards", she said. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Now, I need to tell you that there is a demon on the loose. That's why Robin is acting like this", she said casually. I scoffed. "What're you on Leena".

She gave me a confused look. "Crack. Meth. Weed.", I restated. She rolled her eyes. "Look cumshot, you don't have to believe me but there is someone racking up ideas in Robin's brain. I mean look at her, she's a fucking mess inside. It's like a hurricane of horrible ideas were bestowed in her mind", she hissed.

She had a point. Robin's brown complexion was getting a awful pale brown color. She was still beautiful although. The scent of vanilla still stayed in my nose as the reminisce of her stained my brain. Lots of people didn't like mixed relationships for some reason. They wanted their race to be untouched I guess. But Robin was intoxicating. If she was whiskey, I would be an alcoholic.

A snap of fingers ripped me out of my daze. "The universe doesn't have time for your daydreaming. Nor does it have it time for Robin but on special cases we can persuade the power to spare us", she mumbled the last part.

"What are you Leena", I asked.
"Something like a guardian angel you could say", she replied.

"How are you like this?", I asked randomly secretly dying to know, because something out of this world was happening and Leena was sort of it.

Her eyes turned dark. "I was murdered back in the 1800's", she replied.

I didn't believe it but I wanted to hear her delusional story since I had nothing better to do.

"And...", I beckoned.

"I was gay. And as you know, it wasn't accepted back then", she said with sadness.

I could see in her eyes the darkness and the pain. "I still remember the feeling of not being able to breathe. While all the people around me laughed. Breathing in and out and taking that breath for granted. And you wanna know who ratted me out? The girl I loved. And I still remember her silk blonde hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. Her stretch marks that marked her skin that were on her perfectly sculpted hips", by now Leena had tears rolling down her cheeks and those tears staining the pathway they ran down.

For once I put myself in someone else's shoes. I felt her pain. I felt her lonesome. But she could be lying.

I just sighed. "Enough about my sob story. Tell me what you're gonna do next", she said with a stone hard tone, while wiping her tears off. "Go to her house". She then gave me a approving look. "And talk to her", I finished off. "You dumb fuck face excuse of a boy , actions speak louder than words", she spat. I rolled my eyes at her. I knew that but I felt like if I did anything without her consent that I'd be making things worse.

"Does she have anything I can get info on", I asked. Leena looked thoughtful and then her eyes lit up. "A jar of notes she keeps", she replied.

I gave her a confused look. "She told me about a jar that she puts notes of her feelings and stuff. But if you're going to take it do it quickly, we can't get caught or I'm dead", she told me.

"I'm coming for you Robin", I whispered.


He dragged me out the school. His perfectly, too perfect, face was in a state of anger. I ripped my hand away from his grasp. He stopped and turned around. "I am my own person, with my own personal errands you ass", I told him with a cold voice. He scoffed. "Why do you always have to flirt with that white boy", he groaned.

"Why am I even dating you, sure you're attractive but your personality is dog shit", I spit at him. His eyes went wide. "Oh come on Hun", he said while twirling my hair. "You know I love you".

It was pathetic. I didn't believe him one bit. His black hair blew in the wind as he stared into my eyes. "You can eat my ass". I snorted. Sick of his possessive behavior lately. That's how they all turn out in the end, they turnout like shit bags telling me what to do.

I turned around. "Well you are a fat ass", he shouted back. "I mean look at all my ex's, slim and beautiful". I felt a pang of jealousy and anger. I felt hot tears well up.

"Well don't you want to see", he whispered. I heard him click open his smart phone. After a few seconds of standing still he came up behind me and put his phone in front of me.

There was a skinny white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was utterly beautiful. Her smile was wide and overfilling with joy. This of course made me gently grab the fat I had at the end of my stomach. She had thin sexy thighs. And Tony and her were hand in hand.

"Take these and you'll never be fat again", he said while handing me white tablets with a purple center. I looked at him.

I grabbed his phone and threw on the grounds and stepped on the screen as hard as I can. I was satisfied when I saw the green of the iPhone chip.

"If I'm going to die, I'm going to die on my own terms", I said. I recognized those pills from tumblr. Laced with too much morphine and can kill you. I threw the pills in his face. I walked back inside the school since he dragged me out of it for this stupidly. But before I left I whispered.

"We're done you ass hat". And kneed him in the balls. He tried to kill me so he was lucky that this was all he was getting.

I saw him groan and fall to the ground. Satisfaction filled me and I left him stranded on the ground. I walked on, into the halls. The bell rang and the halls were flooded with students.

I groaned. But then I saw Ethan walking out the bathroom, I started towards him, aching to tell him in the news but then Leena came out afterwards. Why was she coming out the boy's bathroo-, no, no.

I mean I didn't claim Ethan or anything. But she knew I liked him and was going to ask him out after I left that asshat. I knew it sounded unfair but she never told me she liked him. I felt my world crumble like bread.

I should just go and ask why they were in there together. Maybe Leena is gender fluid and she was a boy today. I felt like I was jumping to, too many conclusions. I shook my head and just headed to my third period with a heavy heart.


A longer chapter (:
And thank you so much for almost 100 reads.
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