Well Oh Well (17)

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Okay I've decided to bring back the chapters///


I felt my body go rigid and Robin's went tense. "If you are this so called Father, you would just be the guy that fertilized my *cough, cough* mother's *cough* egg. I don't have a father." She stated.

"I'm pretty sure you just defined the definition of father." The dark man stated.

"Life just fucks me sideways with a stick sometimes." Robin mumbled.

This isn't right. Today didn't go the same way. But it never really does.

Then the front door busted opened and Leena came rushing in.

"Oh gosh, what the fuck?," she loudly mumbled. "I NEED A PINA COLADA," Robin's mother yells as she retreated to the kitchen.

The dark man's eyes narrowed. "I think you've had enough Pina coladas for a lifetime Sarah."

"Oh shut up, you don't know what I need." Robin's mother replied. "You know what? Get out of my house, I can't bear to even look at you."

The man was about to say something but Sarah opened the front door and ushered him out the worn-in house. "Find your own house to bring more misery into." She snarled as she slammed the front door shut.

Robin just headed back upstairs and I followed. She went in her room and simply sat down on her bed next to her nightstand. She simply stared at the dusty floor. I stood next to the door frame and silenly stared. She muttered something. "What?" I quietly asked. "Could you please leave." she sighed.

I was about to respond when a cold hand clamped onto my shoulder. "Hey Rob.' Leena exasperately sighed. "I hate my life." Robin plainly stated. "So could both of you please get out."

Leena shook her head, "You need us right now, I mean a man just comes into your house and says he's your father, thats a really, ya know, an untouched topic." She fumbles.

"Did I stutter?" Robin darkly said with an edge to her voice. "Get. Out. Of. My. House."

I could hear her voice losing patience. "We just wanna hel-" Robin cut Leena off. "No one can help me, I'm alone, in my mind, slowly going crazy. Don't you understand? We are all alone, I've learned to not expect any help."

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