Reverse (chp7)

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Thump. Thump. Thump. My heart beat was crazy. I felt the tears spring open in my eyes. Too late. IT'S TOO LATE. I felt some ball in my throat. All clenched together in tension just release and I let out a loud, choked, sob. My thoughts stopped and my eyes bored into Robin's dark lifeless ones. She looked as if the bright white light in those near death experience weren't true because even though her life was switched off I could still see her last bit of emotion that she left for me to reminisce. But there was nothing to reminisce since all there was, was loneliness. And her loneliness left a huge black hole in my distant cold heart, that only she could fill in.

I heard creaks on the floor and turned to see Robin's mother's shocked face. Her eyes were wide but the rest of her face just sat still. The only emotion evident was shock. It was as if the struck of tragedy missed her. Like she just couldn't turn to the next page of a book after the last sentence left her in a dazed state of mind. She couldn't read on. Keep on. And I felt the same way.

Everything was turning dark as my vision blurred. One thing.

The jar.

I stumbled my way past Robin's mother. She just stared at the body.

I felt weird. My legs wobbled and my head hurt but I had to get that jar. I climbed up the stairs and wobbled into Robin's bedroom. It was gray and had band posters plastered neatly on the walls. I fell to my knees and searched through Robin's drawers. Then her shelf. And nearly everywhere.

Then I bent down with little hope under her bed. I saw a black box. I pulled out and set it front of me. The drowsiness now vanished as I felt hope trickle in me. I took the lid off and saw a tiny jar with tiny folds of paper.

But then I saw blades. Stained with blood. I stared at them. I took those to. Carefully trying not to touch the blood.

You know what, I should take the whole box. I felt pangs of dizziness hit me. I saw many things in the box that could serve great purpose. There were journals, random notes, small souvenirs, and yarn for some reason. I put the lid on top of the box. I grabbed it and hurried down the stairs.

I reached the bottom and saw that Robin's mother was gone and so was Robin's body. The recliner was empty.
But then I saw the back of Robin's head. I thought I was going to faint. She sat down on the kitchen counter. But then something strange happened. She held water in her hand but instead of the water going away more came in. She slammed the cup down and walked backwards. As if she was in reverse. Reverse. I looked closely at Robin. I slowly saw a pill materializing in the water. That must've been the pill she swallowed. I saw the pill pop out the water and land into her hand.

I watched as Robin walked backwards towards the counter and sat on it again. Water flowed back up to her eyes from the countertop. I heard a horrible sobbing sound escape from her mouth. My heart pounded with terror.

Then I saw blades that I didn't see before go back in her hand. I hid my head behind a wall each time her head turned. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I gasped. I felt everything go still. I turned around and saw Leena with an angry glint in her eye. "You idiot, you're wasting time, get your ass bac-", but her voice was cut off. "Anyone there",Robin asked. Unease wrapped around her voice. Leena pushed me to the door. "Get your ass out of here, I'll take care of this", she hissed. I nodded and hurried out.

I felt myself loosen from the stress. Robin's alive. The whole universe blah was true. My mind didn't fully grasp it. I still felt myself replaying the events. I then saw a car going in reverse in the street. Luckily no body was on sidewalk so I didn't have to imitate then walking backwards.

I shook my head at my thoughts. I reached my house but saw other strange things things. Such as leaves flying back to branches and broken twigs being mended back together. I reached my house and the creaking of the floorboard when I entered. I smelled chili. I looked over to the kitchen and saw my mom doing everything in reverse.

Salt flew back in the shaker and she stirred the chili anti clockwise. I slowly closed the door making sure it wouldn't make the clicking sound. I silently went back up the stairs.

Sorry if this was boring but I'll make sure the next chapter is good (:

Like the usual please vote if you liked this chapter and tell what I need to improve or just simply vote.


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