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Wait. What are we doing here?
"Miles? What are we doing here?"
"I bought us this house babe."
"Your serious?"
"Of course. Why should I be joking?" Behind me I hear Amira giggle and we go out from the car and Amira smiles.
"Mommy it's pretty right? I helped Miles to choose this house."
"You knew about this?" Amira nods and smiles again. A few seconds later I run to Miles and hug him.
"It's really beatiful. Thank's baby."
"No probleme. We will be a family of four soon so I thought that we need more space." I smile and kiss him. I neverd dreamed that he will by a house for us but it's amazing(picture above).
"Should we go inside and have a look on the rooms? The bedrooms aren't finished yet but the other rooms are." I smile and nod. Miles takes Amira's hand and we walk to the front door. We talked about getting a bigger house the last few months but I never imagend that he will by a house right away. But I am really happy that he bought us one and so we can have the last five months to finish the room for Amira and the baby until the baby will be here.

Your my little girl/ Shay fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat