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~two days later~
Today is Saturday and Lucy, Ian, Troian, Keegan, Ashley and Tyler will come to our pool party in one hour. Right now I am in the kitchen to make us a bowl. Amira comes running into the kitchen and gets a hold on my leg. I smile and pick her up.
"What are you doing monkey?" She laughs and throws her arms around me.
"When are the others coming?"
"Soon sweetie. Are you hungry?" She nods and I make her ceral. After she is done with eating I go upstairs with Amira to help her get changed into her bathing suit. While I go to her closet and grab a bikini for Amira she is sitting on her bed.
"Can I put on my new bathing suit that I got from aunie Lucy last week?"
"Do you want to?" She nods and I grab her bathing suit and give the bikini to Amira. She smiles and puts on her new bikini. I grab a towel and throw it on Amira so she dosen't get cold. Not even a few minutes later we hear the doorbell ring.  Amira runs downstairs to open the door and when I am downstairs I see that she is already on Lucy's hips.
"Hey girls." I hug them and smile.
"When are the guys going to be here?"
"They told me that they will come in around 30 minutes." I nod and Ashley, Lucy and Troian in my livingroom. We sit down and Amira is on Ashley's hips.
That's a really cute bikini. From who did you get it?" Amira laughs and points to Lucy. We are sitting down on the sofa and talk while we wait for the boys to arrive.

Your my little girl/ Shay fanficWhere stories live. Discover now