Doctor appointment

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~two months later~
Miles moved in on month ago and I am very happy about it. I never expected that Amira gets along so well with Miles but I am glad she is. It's 7 a.m. and I wake up Amira right now because she needs to get up because she needs to get to the doctor. The last six weeks she had a really strong headache and thats why she needs to see the doctor. I walk into her bedroom and see that Amira is still asleep so I sit down on the sofa and kiss her cheek.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty. It's time to get up." Amira shakes her head and hides under her pillow. Amira is everyhing but not a morningl person.
"Come on sleeping Beauty you need to get up. Do you still have the strong headache you had yesterday?" She nods and crawls on my lap.
"Where is Miles mommy?"
"I'm sorry sweetie but today he has to work." She nods and I help her get ready in her cute outfit(picture above).
~one hour later~
We just into the doctor office and the doctor walks inside and sits down opposite us while I have Amira on my lap.
"Hi I'm Laren Sits and I will be your Doctor for today."
"I'm Shay Mitchell and this is my 2 and a half year old daughter."
"Alright and what's the probleme?"
"Since six weeks she keeps telling me that she has a terrible headache and I am really worried about her. Normally she dosen't have much pain or tells me when she is hurt but she told me and I think that her headache is really bad."
"Alright we give her a shot and then we have to wait for the results." I nod and put Amira on my lap while the Doctor prepairs everything for her shot.
"Momma do I have to get this shot?"
"I'm sorry monkey but you have to so lets get it over with." She nods and other than a few cries she does nothing. The doctor tells us that she will be here in one hour with the test results and that we can wait in the office.
I got my certificate this morning and tomorrow I had to go to work until July 26 and then I am on a summer break.

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