Test results

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~later that day~
We had so much fun with Ashley and Amira enjoyed the time that she could spend with her aunt. It's already 7 p.m. and Amira and I already ate dinner and now I am making Amira ready for bed. Miles has to work until 8 p.m. so he won't be able to see Amira tonight.
"Your ready for bed princess?"
"Yeah but I don't want to go to sleep."
"I'm sorry sweetie but it's your bedtime and you will be tired tomorrow when you don't go to sleep now." Amira nods and we walk upstairs to her bedroom. I read her a story and a few minutes later she is asleep. I kiss her head and walk quietly into the kitchen where I am making myself a cup tea and then I take my phone and sit outside in the garden. Just when I am about to call Miles my phone rings.
"Hello? Shay Mitchell speaking."
"Hi I'm Doctor Clode and I called you because of your test results where you did a blood test."
"Oh alright."
"So there is nothing seriously but your daughter and your boyfriend have so much similataries and the same blood group."
"What do you want to say with that Doctor?"
"You told me that you don't know the father of your daughter big there could be a possibitity that it could be your boyfriend. If you want you can come on Thursday and we can make a test to see if he is the father of your daughter. Is that alright for you?"
"Ye..yeah sure thank you Doctor goodbye."
"Bye." I just sit there and don't know what to say. Miles and Amira are so much alike and have similataries. Why did I not see this sooner? Oh good I should tell Miles about it when he is back from his work.

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