Doctor appointment

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~one month later~
I'm already five months along and today we all have a Doctor checkup. It's nothing seriously only to see that we are alright and healthy enough. Amira hates the Doctor and it was extremly hard to get her up from her bed this morning. I dressed Amira into an adorble outfit(picture above). And when Amira was dressed she made everthing extremly slowly. But now we sit in the Doctor Office and wait until we are going to get called.
"Momma do I need to get a shot?" I place Amira on my lap and nod.
"I'm sorry sweetie. But momma and Miles also need to get a shot so your not the only one." Amira nods as I kiss her cheek. We sit for a few more minutes in the Doctor office until the Doctor calls us. We talk with her about our health and then she tells us that it is time for the shot.
"Do you wanna go first sweetie? And then you can watch momma and Miles?"
"No can Miles first do the shot?" Miles nods and gets his shot. Amira saw that Miles didn't cry so she wanted to go next. Only a few sobs but other than that she did nothing. The Doctor tells us that she will call me in a few days to tell us the results but everything looks good. After our appointment we went to get a ice because Amira was so brave and we promised her that she will get one.
I'm so sorry that I haven't updated the whole weekend but I had serious family problemes. I hope that I can update more this week. I'm so sorry guys.

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