Chapter 23

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2 months later

Kevin and I are officially a couple now. We are pretty much inseparable. We go everywhere together. It's mostly because we are in love and Shane is after me. Kevin keeps me with him to protect me. When he can't be with me I stay with my friends. I stay with Jay and Sasha and baby Violet sometimes. Sometimes I stay with Serena and Paige. Lately when Kevin and I are at the arena and Kevin has a match I stay with his friends Dean or Aj. He doesn't like leaving me alone when he has matches because Shane could get me. So I stay with either Dean or Aj. They are both really nice. I like Dean. He's really funny and a bit crazy at times. He is my brother Seth's favorite wrestler and I know Seth would be jealous if he knew I got to hang out with Dean so much.

Another thing is Lana and Rusev broke up. Lana is dating Dolph Ziggler now and she seems really happy with him. Not that I care.

Also I've been feeling really sick for the past two months. But only in mornings. I keep throwing up. Serena and Paige think I'm pregnant. Sasha said I might be pregnant too and she would know since she just had Violet. I'm kinda scared if I'm pregnant though cause I don't know if Kevin wants kids or even likes them. I'm really nervous.

Today is my day off and I'm staying with Sasha and Jay because Kevin is traveling and I couldn't come cause I had work yesterday. I'm going to the store to buy a pregnancy test.

I drive to the store and buy a pregnancy test. Then I drive back to Sasha and Jay's house. I go into the bathroom and take the test. I look at it and it's positive. I'm pregnant.

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