Chapter 20

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Author's note: takes place before Wrestlemania 32.

I've been home for a few days now and I get told the big news. I'm going to be on the main NXT roster. I call Jay to tell him. He was happy for me and really glad but he told me to be careful. I didn't know what he meant and the first thing he said when I asked was to check the main roster. I haven't seen what's happening on the main roster in quite awhile. When I finish my workout I decide to go home and check.

I go home and put on the WWE Network to see what's been happening. The first thing I see is Lana and Rusev on the main roster together. Well good for them I guess.

The next thing I see is that Shane is back and he's facing Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match at Wrestlemania 32. I gasp and start to panic. I turn my tv off. I go to take a shower. That's my quite place where I calm down and think.

After my shower I feel better and decide to go to bed. I have to get ready for my NXT debut tomorrow.

The next morning I get up and head to the NXT Performance Center to workout a bit before I head to the arena for tonight's show.

Once I'm finished my work out I shower and go to the arena. The first thing I do is go to pick up my new ring gear. It's white and gold. I have a white and gold sports bra, white and gold pants, and white and gold boots. After getting it I head to my personal locker room to change. I was given my own locker room because I'm a McMahon but I wish that I could be like everyone else.

I change to my ring gear and get ready for my match. Soon it's time for my match and I go out to my theme and get announced to the crowd. I get in the ring. My opponent is Alaxa Bliss. She gets in the ring and the match starts.

I end up winning the match much to my surprise and happiness. I walk backstage and head to my locker room to shower. I finish my shower and dry off. I get dressed and the go home to my apartment. I change to my pajamas and go to bed.

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