Chapter 18

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1 week later

We have one week left here in Cincinnati. I can't wait to get home. I haven't talked to Jay since last week and I keep pushing him away. I know he wants to help but I'm afraid to open up.

Tonight I'm fighting in the cage. I'm vsing Star again. I end up winning the match by putting Star in the walls of Jericho. I get out of the cage and go upstairs to my room. I shower and changed for bed.

I'm laying in bed playing a game on my phone when I see Jay walk in. "Just tell him. He can help you." A voice in my head says. It sounded like Seth's voice. I miss him so much. Ok I'll tell him. "Shane." I mumbled. I don't think he heard me so I sigh. "The person that raped me...was my own uncle Shane McMahon." I whispered but louder this time. "I don't tell my dad or my mom please." I whisper scared. "Ok I won't tell them." He said sounding shocked. "Promise me you won't tell anyone." I said. "I promise I won't say a word to anyone." Jay said. "Not even Sasha." I said. "Not even Sasha." He repeated. "Good." I said. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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