Chapter 7

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Another week has come and gone and now it's an other peaceful Saturday. I'm woken up by Lana coming into my room. She dressed up like she's going to sports game which doesn't really seem her kinda thing. "Hey where are you going?" I asked. "I'm going to a baseball game with Eva. I just gonna tell you I'm leaving and I'll be out all day." She said. "Oh ok." I said. "Bye Cora." She said and left.

I watch her go as I start to wonder. She's been spending a lot of time with Eva lately. I wonder if they like each other. I know I need to tell her how I feel soon but I can't help it. I'm so afraid because of what Shane used to tell me. That I'm worthless and stupid and no one would deserve me. He told me that so often that I actually believed him.

It started when I was 5. With just touching my area and that was all. Shane called it a game but it hurt and I hated it. I didn't tell anyone because he said he'd kill Seth if I did and I knew he meant it. So I keep my mouth shut and played along. But it got worse as I got older. He ruined my childhood for me.

She's My Everything and I'm Her Nothing (complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن