Chapter 17

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1 week later

I keep my distance from Jay all week. I didn't want to talk to him or deal with him. The truth is I can't face him after what I told him. I didn't have anymore fights and I'm glad about it. To be honest I don't like cage fighting. It's different from the ring.

I decided to go for a walk to be by myself. I'm just walking with my headphones on not wanting to deal with anyone. Suddenly this girl and two guys walk up to me. "Hey your kind ain't welcome here." The girl growled at me. This made me mad so I attacked her. The two guys tried fighting me but I fought back. It was 3 against 1 but I didn't care. I fought them all. The girl got a curb stomp and the two guys got pedigrees. But I was still beat up a bit too. I run off and hide in an ally. I start to cry. I haven't cried much in awhile. But the thing is I miss my home and my family. My left arm is cut but I'm fine. I get up and walk back to the bar.

I walk in and Jay sees me. He doesn't say anything he just takes me upstairs to the bathroom. Jay cleans the cut on my arm. "Cora who did this to you? Tell me and I'll handle it." He said. "I just fell Jay don't worry about me." I lied. "As much as I would love to Cora I can't and I know these cuts are not from falling. You were in a fight." He said. I sigh and look down. "Some girl and two guys attacked me. I fought them off. I'm fine. It's just a cut." I said. "Did the girl say anything to you?" He asked. "Yeah that my kind doesn't belong here. I don't know what she meant by that." I said. "She means the people that have to survive. She doesn't like them cause she's rich." Jay said. "But my family is rich." I said. "She doesn't know that Cora." Jay said. I nod and get up.

I go to my room and lay down on my bed and cry. It's the second time I'm crying today. What the heck is wrong with me today? I see Jay walk in and I honestly don't care that's he's seeing me crying.

Then he does something that someone hasn't done for me in a long time. He rubs my back to calm me down. The last person to calm me down like this was my dad when I was younger. And suddenly I can't help myself. It's like I'm a helpless little kid again crying in my dad's arms. But it's not my dad it's Jay and I'm not a kid. I'm 19. I hug Jay tightly and cry in his shirt. "I want the pain to stop Jay I can't take it anymore." I cry. "I can help just tell me what's wrong." He said. "I can't Jay so just stop asking. If I tell you he'll hurt or kill my brother and I'm not letting him do that." I said. I got up and walked away.

She's My Everything and I'm Her Nothing (complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن