Chapter 15

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Star is pretty much beating me. I'm not really able to fight back. I feel so weak and helpless. I look at Jay to see he's turned his back to me and is at the bar. I sigh as Star continues to beat on me. I'm pretty much ready to give up. I've never lost a fight since I started training but this will be my first I'm sure.

Every fight I'm in I dedicate to my little brother Seth. Everything I do is for him. I can feel my body giving up. I'm sorry Seth. I think to myself as my eyes start to close. Your so weak. His words. Shane. No I'm not. I won't be that scared little girl who gives up so easily. I get up to see Star celebrating thinking she's already won. I kick her hard in the stomach. Then I set her up for my finisher. It's a move I made up called the curbstomp. I do it and she passes out. I go to Jay.

I have a bloody lip and nose and a cut above my eye but I don't care. I'm just happy I won. "Good job." He said. "Thanks." I said. "Why did you leave home? You never told me." He said. I shrug. "It's a long and complicated story. Let's just say I had a good reason and leave it at that." I say and walk upstairs to our shared apartment to shower.

The next day I wake up and go in the kitchen to see Jay in there. "Good morning Jay." I said. "Good morning Cora. Did you sleep good?" He asked. "Kinda I guess. Did you?" I asked. No I had a horrible sleep with nightmares of Shane raping me again after he finds me after a year of running and hiding. But no Jay doesn't need to know that ever. "Yeah I did." He said. I just smile and get lost in thought and play a game on my phone.

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