Chapter 14

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Author's Note: sorry I haven't updated this in so long. Anyway meet Serena. She is my sister -SethRollinsGirl 's character who is now in the story. Yay!

Today Jay isn't here because he is packing for Cincinnati and having time with Sasha before we have to leave. I already packed so I'm just going to the performance center for extra practice. Natalya agreed to train me today and she's getting her friends Paige and Serena to help me out. Serena just moved up from NXT to the main roster.

I get to the performance center and go to where Natalya is. She's working with Serena right now. I stand next to Paige and wait.

I work with Natalya, Paige, and Serena all day and then after we go and get coffee at Starbucks where I learn Paige and Serena are dating. That is so cute! I'm happy for them even if don't have Lana anymore. I'm glad I was able to make some new friends today too.

After that I go home and get a good night sleep since I'm going to Cincinnati in the morning.

The next morning

I wake up, shower, and get dressed. Then I grab my bags and go to my car. I drive to the airport since I'm meeting Jay there.

Jay is already there when I show up so we bored the plane together. I sit near window and put my earphones in and listen to my music till we get there. I end up falling asleep.

In a few hours we get there and I get off the plane with Jay and we grab our bags. One of Jay's friends picks us up and we are staying in an apartment he owns above the bar he also owns. When I get in the car he asks me what my name is. "I'm Cora McMahon." I said and mumbled the McMahon part. It's not really something I'm proud of anymore.

Get to the bar with the apartment building and we go up to our apartment. It's actually a pretty nice room I'm surprised. I put my stuff down in one of the rooms. I relax for awhile. Jay says to meet him in the down in the bar in two hours so I will after my nap.

In two hours I go down to the bar. Jay goes into this cage thing for cage/street fight. He wants me to watch so I learn survival.

It was a great fight and he ended up winning. "Ok Cora now it's your turn. Your gonna fight Star." Jay said. "What? Me? No I can't do that." I protest. "You have to." He said. I sigh and get in. Star gets in too. Let's see how this goes.

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